GOP Agrees to Delay IRS Commissioner’s Impeachment Vote

John Koskinen

According to a report Wednesday night by Politico, establishment and conservative Republicans came to an agreement to delay IRS Commissioner John Koskinen’s impeachment vote.

As Politico reported:

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) have reached a tentative compromise to postpone a vote to impeach the IRS commissioner, sources familiar with the talks told POLITICO.

Under the terms of the emerging deal, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen would testify before the Judiciary panel next week, and any impeachment vote would likely be postponed until after the November election rather than take place on Thursday, the sources said.

If this report is correct, it likely means Louisiana’s Rep. John Fleming’s privileged resolution that would force a floor vote will instead be placed in committee — probably the Judiciary Committee — where Jordan is a member. With numerous Freedom Caucus members on that committee, any hearing there will likely be intense for the embattled IRS commissioner.

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