Bill Clinton

WikiLeaks: Bill Clinton Boasts of Hillary’s ‘Working Relationship’ With the Muslim Brotherhood


In October 2015, according to a speech transcript released by WikiLeaks, President Bill Clinton openly discussed his wife’s “working relationship” with a terrorist organization.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s expertise in foreign affairs was the topic of his speech, given in the home of a prominent Muslim family. During that speech, he said:

Finally, we live in a world, as I said, that’s full of good news and bad news. The United States cannot control it all, but we need a president who’s most likely to make as many good things happen as possible, and most likely to prevent big, bad things from happening. You can’t keep every bad thing from happening; who’s most likely to be able to get people involved in a positive way. Even the people who don’t like the Iran nuclear agreement concede it never would have happened if it hadn’t been for the sanctions. Hillary negotiated those sanctions and got China and Russia to sign off—something I thought she’d never be able to do. I confess. I’m never surprised by anything she does, but that surprised me. I didn’t think she could do it. The Chinese and the Russians to see past their short-term self-interest to their long-term interest and not sparking another nuclear arms race.

And when the Muslim Brotherhood took over in Egypt, in spite of the fact that we were (inaudible), she developed a working relationship with the then-president and went there and brokered a ceasefire to stop a full-scale shooting war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which on top of what was going on in Syria and the (inaudible) Jordan would have been a calamity for the world.

And when we were trying to reset our relations with Russia under President Medvedev, she and her team negotiated a New START Treaty, which limits warheads and missiles. And she lobbied it through the Senate. She had to get 67 votes, which means a lot of these Republicans who say that they don’t like her now are just kidding for election season. They trusted her, and she got it passed. You can’t get 67 votes in the Senate without a lot of Republican support. And I don’t know about you, but with all this tension and Mr. Putin trying to affect the outcome of the conflict in Syria, I think it’s a very good thing that we’re in a lower risk of any kind of accidental nuclear conflict with the Russians. She did that.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s government, installed after the Arab Spring uprising, was ousted by a military coup in Egypt. But the Sunni Muslim “political” organization has branches all over the world, including in the U.S.

Most notably, the Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of the terrorist group Hamas, which has attacked Israel repeatedly for decades.


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