Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks at an airport campaign rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Top 5 Reasons Donald Trump Should Not Be President


This is the second part in a two-part series. For part one, click here. 

As most Americans already know, both the Democratic and Republican nominees for president have a low approval rating even within their own parties. Concerns abound with both candidates, even though both of them are far apart ideologically. I must be insane releasing an article like this since both pro-Trump and pro-Clinton friends may be upset by its contents; however, I have never been motivated by the accolades of people. 

The following are the top five reasons a Donald Trump presidency concerns me. 

1. Can Trump work with a divided Congress?

Trump seems to lack patience when dealing with those with opposing views. While in debates and on Twitter, he personally attacked, insulted and demeaned his opponents. How would that play out with Congress? Would he attempt to steamroll through policy decisions when Congress moved too slow or opposed him, or perhaps he will surprise everyone and work well with both parties? That remains to be seen.

2. Will the Republican establishment attempt to undermine his first term?

While many Americans like the fact that Trump is not part of the establishment, the fact is, he still has to depend upon the already established infrastructure of his party to get things done as president. If elected, he may be the first president in recent memory that will have major opposition from both parties. That is to say, it is very possible that the Republican establishment will work hard to undermine Trump’s first term in office so that another Republican will never attempt to buck their party again.

3. His ability to work with world leaders

Some may say that alpha leaders like Russian President Putin will respect another alpha leader like Trump, which can lead to a better relationship between our countries. However, others may say that Trump’s leadership style may alienate friend and foe alike. Of course, we probably need a hard-line stance with certain nations—such as Iran and North Korea—to keep them in check. Consequently, Trump’s leadership style may be a plus or minus in world affairs. This remains to be seen but is a concern for many.

4. His relationship with communities of color

In the opinion of many, Democrats like Hillary Clinton have not done enough to further the quality of life for our black and brown communities. That being said, whether fair or not, Trump has been branded negatively and even deemed racist by the mainstream media and by some activists. If Trump gets elected, it may also result in protests and civil unrest in many cities across America. Although, there is evidence not all protests are totally grassroots but are funded and or exacerbated by George-Soros-backed organizations. The question is, can Trump overcome this stigma and work closely and effectively with communities of color, especially Hispanics? This remains to be seen and is a concern of mine.

5. His evolving view on immigration reform

In this area, I part company with many conservatives. I never agreed with the initial Trump plan to deport all undocumented immigrants. As a pastor in a Hispanic community, I have seen many undocumented immigrants successfully assimilate into the church and community, build families, work hard and have economic success. I am in favor of a path to citizenship for these people. Because as a nation we have allowed illegal immigration to go on for decades, it is almost de-facto legal. At the same time, those who have proven they are a danger to society and committed felonies should be deported. Moving forward, I am for clamping down on illegal immigration because a nation without borders is no longer a nation. I am also in favor of either stopping or having a foolproof vetting system in place that forbids radicalized Muslims from entering our country, especially from nations that foment terrorism.

Regarding immigration, Mr. Trump’s views seem to be changing as he went from a hard-line approach to a more refined approach recently. I am concerned about where he will eventually land if elected president.

In conclusion, I am not endorsing either candidate, nor am I saying we should not vote. Liberals who don’t vote help Trump; conservatives who don’t vote help Clinton. Many social conservatives I know say Trump is not perfect but has the edge over Clinton because of the Supreme Court, freedom of religion, abortion, the numerous scandals and more. A few social conservatives are also “never Trumpers” who do not believe he is a true conservative.

The unfortunate fact is, whoever gets elected, half the nation will be divided and our unity as a country will be greatly challenged. Truly, politics and a politician cannot restore our nation to greatness. The Bible says only righteousness can exalt a nation (Prov. 14:34).

On Nov. 9, irrespective of who gets elected, may righteousness again be restored in our families, churches and in the halls of power.


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