United States Secretary of State John Kerry (R) meets with United Nations Secretary-General designate Antonio Gutterres at the State Department in Washington

Film Director Points to the Reality of the Coming New World Order


Multiple world governments are attempting to unite into one, film director Chuck Untersee tells Jim Bakker.  

Untersee says the United Nations’ 21st-century agenda could be the fulfillment of Revelation 13 prophecy about a one-world government.  

“The new world order is overtaking the world,” Untersee tells the Jim Bakker Show. “The Muslim threat is just a tool of that, a major part of it. … The U.N. agenda for the 21st century is a big issue in the film, and people are so astounded when they hear part of the U.N. agenda for the 21st century is world population reduction by 90 percent and the fact that they want to control all food and water.” 

Watch the video to see more alarming details. 


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