
Does Your Ministry Address Scarcity?


An abundance mentality implies we have what we want and want what we have.

In this blog, I’d like for us to consider how a healthy view of scarcity can stimulate abundance.

But first, this caveat—My God shall supply all my needs. “I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” The Lord is my abundance.

Feelings of abundance or scarcity are largely a matter of choice and perspective. When I consider scarcity, it has little to do with stuff in the U-Haul. I hope I have learned that spiritual scarcity makes all quests for abundance as pure folly.

I approach this topic as fuel for leaders to identify scarcity and build abundance. Leaders approach their day with open eyes and ears and note obstacles to production. The best leaders move the organization through scarcity problems and create abundance. A few areas to consider:

  • Scarcity of skills. What are we missing? Do we hire or train? What new skills will be needed on the horizon?
  • Scarcity of attitudes. It’s one thing to identify that bad attitudes exist on our team, but effective leaders don’t allow a bad attitude virus to explode. The best change agent for attitude deficits is training.
  • Scarcity of thinking. It’s easier to get it done than it is to think about it. Thinking must be encouraged. Think tanks should be welcomed and fortified. Original thoughts grow in healthy Petri dishes.
  • Scarcity of generosity. People change as they become more generous. Giving time and resources is a key indicator of living to serve others. Scrooge may accumulate assets but never achieve true happiness. I also believe that generosity is a learned trait. Great leaders are models of generosity.
  • Scarcity of patience. We must lead people who display little patience with great patience. Teaching patience is a process, not an event. When microwaved outputs are available and all fruit seems to be low hanging, an expectation of “faster is better” develops to the detriment of an organization. Leaders must move quickly, but not fast. Deadlines must not be suggestions and yet, allow time for quality output.

Scarcity can become routine. “It is what it is.”

But not what it could be with an injection of abundant thinking.

Valuable outputs are not routine.



Today’s Scripture 

“There is one who scatters, yet increases; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty” (Proverbs 11:24, MEV).



Platform Tip No. 147

Our primary goal in platform development is to help our audience with their felt needs.

Our job is not to create a problem for our solution.

Attract rather than force.




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