Dr. Alveda King and President Donald Trump

Alveda King: African-American Inaugural Events Were Sold Out


The liberal mainstream media continues to espouse the false narrative that African-Americans oppose President Donald Trump, but a recent interview Dr. Alveda King had with Breaking Christian News has effectively destroyed that narrative.

While, numbers-wise, most African-American voters cast their ballots as Democrats, she said there was “a nice percentage” of votes for the president. She said that reflects the idea that people have been paying attention.

“I think predominantly African-Americans still vote Democrat, just basically out of loyalty and indoctrination,” she said. “But [Trump] did get quite a bit of attention from the African-American vote this time.”

Those numbers were most noticeable at the many inaugural events held in Washington, D.C., two weekends ago. King said one particular event, the Good Shepherd/Good Samaritan Prayer Breakfast, with a predominantly African-American audience, was sold out.

“It actually sold out and we had to expand the space, and then there was standing room only,” she said. “Dr. Ben Carson hosted a reception during the inauguration. As a matter a fact, at 1 o’clock on that Friday, and it was packed out. And then the Georgia Republican Party had their African-American outreach person host a reception, and it was full.”

King said the president has done a good job of reaching out to African-American voters, but there is still work to be done. At best, he only received 20 percent of the African-American vote in some precincts. But now that he’s in office, she said he’s continued to reach out, which is helping.

“Well, many heard President Trump say in his inaugural speech. ‘No matter what our skin color is—black, white, brown’—however he said that—’we bleed [the same] red blood,'” she said. “And he said, ‘And we should not be prejudiced.’ So people [in the African-American community] liked that. They wanted to hear that. They were happy to hear that, and that is the most remarked-upon piece that I’m hearing.

“We are one blood. Acts 17:26 says there’s one blood; God made all people to live together on the face of the earth. And because that is true, we are designed to be a family. We should be able to communicate nonviolently, and resolve our differences, and as my good friend and mentor, Dr. Craig Bennett—of Calvary Harvest Church—says, ‘I just wish people would realize that Jesus did not give that sacrifice and shed His blood for a skin color. He did it for souls.'”

Asked how Christians of all races can come together in this season, King concluded that in every community, we must begin to agree and stay together.

“We are one human race. We are supposed to be brothers and sisters, and we must never ask, ‘What can my race do for your race,’ but, ‘How can I, as your brother and sister, serve you?'” she said. “We must not say that we are ‘color-blind,’ because if we’re color-blind, we need glasses [laughter]. We can’t see. So we’re going to need help there. So those are the kinds of things that we need to do together, and we can.”


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