Protesters Heckle Chaplain During Prayer at Senator’s Town Hall

Sen. Bill Cassidy meets young man in Metairie, Lousiana, who told protesters to listen, not just shout.

First-term Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) got an earful Wednesday during a town hall in Metairie, Louisiana, when the crowd loudly protested prayer in Jesus’ name. As Louisiana State chaplain Michael Sprague began his opening prayer, the crowd started to heckle him so much so that the prayer could barely be heard.

One man shouted, “Pray on your own time!” A woman shouted “Lucifer!” and people also chanted “separation of church and state,” according to

When a veteran started to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, the crowd became unruly with one man shouting, “Do your job!”

The hostile protesters were also up in arms over Cassidy’s stance on the Affordable Care Act and his support of Betsy DeVos for secretary of education. 

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