President Donald Trump

Paper: The Conspiracy Theories Will Dog President Trump Until He Plugs the Leaks


Regarding President Donald Trump’s assertions that the Obama administration wiretapped his campaign headquarters at Trump Tower during the election, The Washington Times‘ S.A. Miller wrote:

Russian conspiracy allegations will continue to dog the White House until President Trump gets a handle on the administration’s opponents inside the U.S. intelligence community who are driving the story, warned Republican strategists in Washington.

President Trump has railed against the leaks apparently emanating from the National Security Agency, CIA or FBI. But so far, he has failed to take adequate steps to root out the faction within the intelligence apparatus that is undermining his presidency, whether they are holdovers from the Obama administration or elements intent on thwarting Mr. Trump to preserve their own power.

The targeted leaks to the news media about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials—including information from communications intercepted by intelligence agencies—resulted in the ouster of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the president’s national security adviser and created a swirl of controversy last week around Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The intelligence leaks have kept the story alive, fueled attacks by Democrats and fractured the Republican majority on Capitol Hill, although no evidence has emerged of actual collusion with Russians to affect the election.

Click here to read the rest of that report. Meanwhile, conservative nationally syndicated talk radio host Mark Levin broke down the case for the president’s wiretapping assertions in an interview Sunday with FOX News Channel (see the video above).

“The evidence is overwhelming,” he said. “This is about the Obama administration’s spying.”

He went on to list the evidence and timeline from his Thursday op-ed for Breitbart News that triggered the president’s Twitter outburst on Saturday. He tied it up by saying Trump, his campaign, his transition team and his surrogates were victims of “police state” tactics by the Obama administration. {eoa}


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