Attendees look on as Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen. Mazie Hirono, Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Sen. Christopher Van Hollen hold a press conference in opposition of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch on Capitol Hill in Washington

Urgent Call to Prayer: The Territorial Spirits Driving the ‘Nuclear Option’


It appears the “nuclear option” will be invoked. The hearings of Judge Neil Gorsuch became a non-event in the media. There seemed to be little opposition to him during his hearings. Now, as we approach Friday’s vote, the political battle is as intense as it could be. The cloture option is called the “nuclear option” because it has fallout. This fallout could last for years to come. 

However, as intercessors, we know that what we see and hear is not often the whole story. We seek God’s perspective and His wisdom and look at events from a spiritual point of view.

There are territorial forces entrenched in our government that need to be replaced. President Trump understands and communicates the need to “drain the swamp,” to establish a new kind of government. However, the old forces are resisting. A shadow government, or deep state, is actively working against any and all of the changes that President Trump is trying to make. 

The resistance is not only against President Trump and his brand of governing, but also, and more importantly, is against kingdom values in our nation. Spiritual forces of evil are railing and the enemy is using the tools of division and resistance to prevent godly changes from occurring. The transfer of power, both spiritually and naturally, occurred Jan. 20 with the inauguration of President Donald Trump, but it will take continued prayer for the divisive strongholds entrenched and embedded in our government to be dislodged and removed. Only prayer can defeat those strongholds and replace them with godly influences. 

This week is critical! The opposition has gathered to disunify, distort, distract and disrupt. The quiet of the hearings is giving way to a contentious debate. If the Senate Republicans are forced to choose the “nuclear” option to avoid filibuster of Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation vote, it will fuel problems concerning future confirmations. 

We need to pray for unity and godly wisdom in the Senate. We need to pray against division and worldly knowledge determining the outcome of this debate. We need to pray for God’s will to be done concerning the confirmation of Judge Gorsuch as a United States Supreme Court justice. 

We believe that the Lord is calling us to concerted prayer for wisdom and unity. Click here to send a prayer to your senators, letting them know you are praying for them to have God’s wisdom and for unity in the Senate. 

Please join me this Friday to pray against the forces that are seeking to resist godly changes in our government. {eoa}


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