Shaneen Clarke ministers.

Raging Spiritual Warfare, Terrorist Attacks Prove End-Times Revival Is Coming


Editor’s note: Shaneen Clarke is an internationally known evangelist who sees the Holy Spirit igniting revival across Europe. As we battle not against flesh and blood, though, darkness desperately is trying to stamp out the growing light. As Clarke travels across the continent, she’s allowing the Holy Spirit’s flame to catch fire and awake the nations. Here’s what the Holy Spirit is telling her right now.

Tell me about your vision for Europe: 

Evangelicals make up 1 percent of Europeans. We must reach people through local churches. In Finland recently, I saw 25 churches come together for a single purpose. Sadly, there is lethargy in the church, and I see the need for young and old to come together to avoid the social club environments and old-age club environment. The church can be vibrant and sustainable. We don’t need fashion; we need sustainable models where the elders mentor the young and the young challenge the elders.

How will the Lord accomplish this? 

The Lord is sending missionaries from overseas to study these gatherings and then return to their nations with fresh fire. I am one of the missionaries, and God has given me a heart to reach out. He will continue to use the misfits, the unnamed and faceless to rise as leaders.

How is the Holy Spirit igniting revival right now?  

Fire has ignited in missionaries’ hearts like mine. It’s being carried to the nations and set alight in the people. It comes from the hunger of those people who are invariably bored who are seeking an authentic encounter with The Holy Spirit. The ignition through worship and the music is vital. The gospel is being taught parallel to modern-day life, and the supernatural is evidenced in many places. There is a need for a revival culture to enlist wholehearted disciples.

How are terrorist attacks, like the recent ones in Manchester and on the London Bridge, evident of the growing spiritual warfare in the land? 

The commandment “Thou shall not kill” is being broken as society becomes more lawless and chaotic. The accommodation of others and their cultures has extended the traditional boundaries, and the floodgates of evil are breaking through. Terrorism is guerrilla warfare, causing fear and intimidation against innocent civilians at random. The increasing occurrence of terrorist events indicates that the battle becomes fiercer before the victory. We are in a period of intense spiritual warfare. The attacks in Manchester and London will help the church focus on the uncompromising work of the Holy Spirit.

What sort of miracles have you seen happen? 

When I was recently in Oslo, a man received his hearing back. I have seen hepatitis healed and broken bones instantly healed. I have seen alcoholics set free. Through preaching the Word, I have seen many lives transformed and people on the verge of suicide have come back from that point to now flourish. I have seen financial miracles and career breakthroughs.

Where do you see God moving next? 

God is constantly moving, though I sense that He will move in the business world and a great awakening will come from unexpected areas such as refugee populous. We are about to see an end-time revival and the greatest persecutions yet the greatest time in the history of the church.

When do you think this great revival will begin? 

Increasing persecution will mark the beginning of revival. I see the persecution now increasing over the next 10 years and many will not be able to stand the times that are coming. The Judaeo-Christian financial model has broken down and Sharia law and financial model is being adopted in many parts of Europe.

Who are some key players in the coming revival? 

A new William Wilberforce will rise against sex trafficking, a new Clapham Sect will arise in society and the coming revival will be triggered by the healing ministry. The supernatural ministry will come to the forefront and will be scoffed at by the majority, attacked mercilessly and ridiculed always. Those of us willing to stand will grow stronger.

It is anticipated that by 2050 there will only be 15 percent of Christians in Europe, four times less than 150 years ago. In Africa and Latin America, only 60 percent will profess Jesus. By 2050, the world population is forecast to be 9.5 billion people. Proportionally, one-third of these will be Christians and more than one-third will be Muslim. Though Christianity is in decline by number, the Christians who stand and stay the race will be of a higher quality and equipped and ready for the days to come. For the first time in history, we will witness a harvest of 1 billion souls.

The digital platforms will bring the great revival, as the new form of church will be online services. {eoa}

Shaneen Clarke is often called an evangelist but sees herself as more of an apostle and teacher. To equip and empower people is of particular appeal to her ministry. She’s known for a sense of humor, wit and global outlook. She’s ministered in more than 20 nations and speaks Mandarin. You can connect with here here.

(This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.)


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