The glory to My church shall be great and so also the temptations from the enemy to turn My people from My paths.

Preparing for the Coming Glory Amid Temptations, Persecutions


This is Part 3 of a prophetic word that was spoken by Prophet Stanley Frodsham, who was a personal friend of Smith Wigglesworth, a traveling companion and author of one of the books about him. It was given in Chicago in 1965, five years before he died. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

God’s Part and Our Part

I would have you consider My life on earth—the anointing upon Me was great and yet the temptations were great on every side; they came in one form and then in another, offering Me first the glory of the kingdoms of the earth and then in the form of reviling and persecution. There will be great glory given to My people, but also the temptations will be intensified on every side. Think not that with the glory there shall be no temptations or persecutions. The glory to My church shall be great and so also the temptations from the enemy to turn My people from My paths. I warn you again that when the glory shall be manifested the temptations shall be great until very few that started shall finish the course. First of all, they shall be offered great worldly possessions and then will come great reviling and unbelief.

Consider your Lord, that as He walked, so it shall be for you. There shall be need of great intensity of purpose. At times, it will seem that everyone is rising up against you, trying to turn you from the course I have set for you. It is written of Me that I set my face as flint to go in the direction My Father had prescribed for Me. If you will finish the course the Lord has laid down for you, you too will have to set your face as a flint. With great determination, you must walk in the course laid down for you. Many of your loved ones and those who follow with you will seek to persuade you and try to turn you from the course. With many words that seem right in the natural they will speak to you. Did not Christ rebuke Peter, who would turn Him from the course God had prescribed?

Understand these two things and meditate upon them solemnly—the persecution and the darkness shall be as great as the glory in order to try to turn the elect and the anointed ones from the path the Lord has laid down for them. Many shall start, but few shall be able to finish, because of the greatness of grace that shall be needed to be able to endure unto the end. The temptation and the persecution of your Lord were continuous. He was tempted by Satan in many forms throughout His entire life and even to the cross where the ungodly cried out ‘if thou be the Christ come down from the cross’. Think not that there will be a time of no persecution, for it shall be from the time of your anointing until the end. Difficulties and great persecution will go on to the end. The Lord must prepare you to be an overcomer in all things, that you may be able to finish the course. The persecution shall increase even as the anointing shall increase.

In paths of judgment and righteousness shall the Lord God lead His people and bring them into that place which He has chosen for them. The Lord has chosen a place for His people, a place of righteousness and holiness where He shall encamp around them. All who will be led of the Lord will be brought into this holy place. For the Lord delights to dwell in His people and to manifest Himself through His people. The holiness of the Lord will be manifested through His people. Let the Lord lead you, and He will lead you in the difficult places. He led His people of old through a place where no man dwelt, where no man passed through, in a place of great danger and in the shadow of death. The Lord will indeed lead His people again through such places, and at the same time will bring them out into a place of great glory. Understand that the way toward the glory is fraught with great danger, and many shall fall to the right or the left, many shall camp on lesser ground. But the Lord has a place of holiness and no unclean thing shall dwell among His people.

Put your trust in Him, and He will bring you into a place of holiness. He desires to bring His people into a great glory—the likes of which has never been seen, for this is what the Lord will do for those who put their trust in Him. It is a place of darkness and great danger, and it will separate His people into the place where He would have them walk. He will protect them from the voices that would turn them from His path. He will bring them through the dark places and treacherous paths and lead them out into the light of His glory. He will rejoice greatly over His beloved and cause them to be filled with joy unspeakable. He seeks to lead His people into a new place of grace and glory where He will indeed encamp among them. Put your trust in Him and He will surely bring you into this new place.

Fear not the days to come, but fear this only—that you shall walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord. In this time, I am ordering and setting up My church and it shall indeed be pure, without spot or wrinkle. I will do a work in My beloved that has not been seen since the foundation of the world. I have shown you these things that you may seek the Lord diligently with all your heart, and that you may be a preserver of His people.

Run not to this one or that one, for the Lord has so ordained that salvation is in Him and in Him alone. You shall not turn to this shepherd or to that one, for there shall be a great scattering upon the earth. Therefore look unto Him for He will indeed make these things clear to you. You shall not look here or there, for His wells shall increase your strength and your faith as He prepares you for the times that are coming.

The truths that I have revealed to you must become a part of you—not just an experience, but a part of your very nature. Is it not written that I demand truth in the inward parts? It is the truth of the Lord expressed in your very being that shall hold you. Many shall experience the truth, but the truth must become a part of you, your very life. As men and women look upon you, they will hear not only the voice but see the expression of the truth. Many shall be overcome because they are not constant in My ways and because they have not permitted the truths to become a part of them. I am showing you these things that you may be prepared, and having done all, to stand. ” {eoa}

Bert Farias‘ The Real Salvation, The Real Gospel, The Real Jesus and The Real Spirit Of Revival are a tetralogy of books to help the body of Christ overcome the last days seduction and will greatly strengthen and establish you in truth during these perilous and difficult times. Get your copy today in paperback or Kindle.



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