Prophecy: ‘My Spiritual Snipers Are Coming Forth in This Season of War’


Sniper: A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place.

Does it seem like you are in a hidden place with darkness all around you? And is the enemy breathing down your neck? Be encouraged. You may have the makings of a spiritual sniper. Snipers are concealed by darkness in the time of war, close to enemy territory. If you can’t see daylight, you may be right on schedule. Darkness brings out a sniper’s full potential. “We Own the Night!” is their motto.

Not many of God’s people can stand being hidden for long periods of time. It’s a lonely, dark place but you are not alone. God is with you, and He’s creating something powerful out of you. The Lord is saying to many: “The enemy will soon know why you haven’t been heard from as of yet. He will soon wonder where you came from. Treasure your hiddenness. It’s your advantage. And don’t fear the darkness. Your hardships and enemies have come to train you. Don’t go AWOL. The moment you were born for is coming. Your light will pierce darkness. My spiritual snipers are coming forth in this season of war.”

Communication Is a Must in Your Hiddenness

Although hidden, you must have clear communication with God and your comrades. You must learn the weapon of silence to hear. Silence makes the enemy wonder what you are up to while God is giving you strategy. Silence enables you to hear not only God’s still small voice but also the enemy’s next plan of attack. I sense the Lord saying, “I’m corporately anointing your ears to hear and eyes to see what no other generation has ever heard or seen for this end time spiritual war. Keep in communication with one another. At times, your comrades will be your eyes and ears. It’s the lifeline to win. Communicate even if you don’t agree. Communicate until you do. You are a team, and no one goes anywhere without each other. A team that can move as one is a dominating force. Laying down your life for each other is not a question. You are no longer considered your own.”

Maneuvering Offensively

“From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been suffering violence, and the violent have been seizing it by force” (Matt. 11:12, HCSB).

A former sniper shared with me how he was sent ahead of his troop and how he concealed himself close to the enemy. He said, “A vacant building or any forsaken covering gave me an edge for my deadly aim.” He also said, “I became a terror to the terrorists. I could paralyze a large troop with one fatal shot to their comrades. Terror would grip them, for they didn’t know where I was. At times, I shot from a window of a forsaken building and then ran. If they suspected where I was they would immediately launch heavy artillery into that place. Bounties were placed on my head.”

I asked him, “Were you afraid of dying?” He said, “No, I died when I left home. If I had any fear in me, I wouldn’t have survived what I went through.”

His words, “I died when I left home,” pierced me. I wonder how many of us realize the day we gave our life to Jesus Christ was the day we died to ourselves, and He now lives in us. “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20, MEV). And Jesus is never afraid. Having been through much warfare myself, I’m learning when I feel intimidated by the enemy, the truth is: that’s really when he is terrified of me. So I move beyond what intimidates me and find sweet victory.

Staying Focused

Many will see other comrades being elevated this season. Don’t be jealous or envious. They are being called to the front line where increased danger lies. Their advancement is your protection. It’s a most dangerous time to compare ourselves with one another. Some will think that their strong anointing that’s promoting them lessens their need for their comrades or those in authority over them. It actually increases your need for them.

You may seem to be ahead of them in rank, but they are behind you to cover your back. If left alone with our increased anointings, we become dangerous to ourselves and others. This often results in “friendly fire.” We need our comrades to keep speaking into our lives to adjust and sharpen our spiritual gifts and weapons to stay effective. Our training never ends. God will always have someone over us to learn from and someone under us to teach what we have learned.

Biblical ‘Sniper’ Weapons

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4).

Throughout history, snipers rise from obscurity to win wars. One person stands out to me as the greatest sniper in the Bible: David, a shepherd boy, hidden in the hillsides of Judea. Trained by a bear and a lion, he makes his debut with a giant named Goliath. David becomes a sniper in the eyes of the Philistine army as he takes out Goliath with a slingshot and stone. He knew that giant would look good on his resume.

“Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight” (Ps. 144:1).

David was also a warrior as a scribe. His writings still pierce the darkness in our lives today. The Lord is releasing a scribe anointing upon many for new songs, books, and movies to be written to dismantle powers of darkness upon the earth. Pick up your pen and fight!

David’s greatest weapon in his arsenal was worship. David was a full-time worshipper and part-time shepherd. He worshiped in secret, and God met him on the battlefield. Worship didn’t keep David away from trouble. Worship brought God down into his troubles, and God never lost a battle.

In the wars that rage against us today, our greatest weapon is still to worship God in the midst of chaos. Through worship, heaven comes and fills us with His love and presence, which can touch our worst enemies to surrender all to Jesus. Loving our enemies keeps them from getting inside of us. We will be facing many giants in the days to come. Don’t leave home without your slingshot. Remember, since you are a believer, Jesus lives in you, and He is not afraid. Besides, you died when you left home.

Welcome, sniper.


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