‘This Is What We Call a Miracle’: Baby Found Alive After Buried 9 Hours in Montana Mountains


Police found a missing 5-month-old baby boy alive after the infant lay buried for nine hours under sticks and debris in the Montana mountains.

“After more than six hours of searching on foot, a deputy heard the faint cry of a baby,” says Missoula County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Brenda Bassett, according to Fox News.

The infant was found lying face down in a wet, soiled onesie, reports say.

“For all of us at the sheriff’s office, this is what we call a miracle,” Bassett says. “For the officers who were present for this event, it’s especially hard knowing what this small baby endured in the last 24 hours.”

Police responded Saturday to calls about Francis Carlton Crowley, who was allegedly high on drugs and threatening people with a gun he claimed to possess. Authorities then discovered the infant in Crowley’s care was missing.

Upon discovery, the baby boy was taken to a hospital. Authorities say the child is in good condition.


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