VP Mike Pence Conveys Blunt Message to ‘Liberals’ in the Press  


In an exclusive interview with CBN News, Vice President Mike Pence said the mainstream media have “met their match” in President Donald Trump.

CBN’s David Brody and Jenna Browder spent the day with Pence aboard Air Force Two Wednesday and had some time with him inside his office cabin.

Pence traveled to Michigan to campaign for Republican Senate candidate John James.

After the campaign event, he spoke with CBN News and had a blunt message for “liberals” in the press.

“For a lot of the liberals in the national media, they met their match in President Donald Trump,” Pence says. “He understands that, look, the American people elected this man because he had a right vision for this country but also because he’s a fighter.”

CBN News will air a full report of the Pence interview next week on The 700 Club. {eoa}

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