The Corruption of American Christianity: The Evil Agenda to Destroy America


“Now the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1).
“Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching. For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine, but they will gather to themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, having itching ears” (2 Tim. 4:2-3).

A subversive effort by the leftist leaning liberals to infiltrate the Church and turn people away from the real gospel and true doctrine is gaining momentum in this hour. The purpose of this agenda is to sway the church toward a radical political movement and the spread of socialism in our nation.

its socialist agenda:

  • social justice.
  • environment.
  • racism.
  • white privilege.
  • feeding the poor.

They will use this terminology to persuade professing Christians into buying their bill of goods. Young people especially are being hoodwinked by these socialists. They will mention these buzzwords without ever mentioning moral biblical issues. Their language is always very nuanced and overt. They use leftist talking points dressed in Christian veneer. Why have they gone after the church?

Because the church is the last bulwark preventing their socialist ideology from becoming a reality. But they are infiltrating the church in subtle ways. They operate through the peace movement, the black lives matter movement, the women’s movement and the labor movement. They infiltrate our sacred institutions that people have considered safe. There are many examples of this.

For instance, World Vision, a once trusted Christian adopting agency for children, has been co-opted into the leftist movement. The progressive left used to hate World Vision because of its Christian conservative stance and charity. Now they love the organization and are becoming partnered with it.

The NAE (National Association of Evangelicals) is another example. This organization was led by a full-fledged apostate, who was funded by George Soros, as are many of these secret socialists.

The Roman Catholic Church is the most long-standing example of being connected to the socialist/communist movement. And if you’ll do your research, you’ll find that the current Pope Francis (real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina) is himself a communist.

Along with the Roman Catholic Church, the mainstream Lutheran and Episcopalian Church have been infiltrated by socialist/communistic ideology since the 1920s and 1930s. It’s been subtle but you can see the erosion of pure doctrine in these churches, which is a direct result of the penetration of a global socialist agenda.

What is presently shocking and very disturbing is the heavy penetration of socialism into the evangelical churches over the last few years, including, get this, the Baptist Church. Find that hard to believe?

Socialism has been hidden for decades in our nation but has secretly and quietly advanced until now when many people including Christians are being seduced by it. There are now elected Congressmen in our government who were taught socialism at a young age in schools and universities both here and abroad. These are the progressives who seek to destroy America’s ideals, form of democracy, and way of life. They have dressed up their agenda with Christian rhetoric for many years, but now they are brasher and bolder than they’ve ever been. Trump’s presidency is the biggest reason. He is a huge threat to their plans for a socialist nation.

Who Is George Soros?

Soros is a multi-billionaire hard core socialist who has had connections with Russia and Hungary for many decades, since World War II. In recent times, he has contributed over $18 billion into the socialist/communist movement in America. His motivation is to bring down our democratic system and godly constitution by flooding the church with socialist propaganda. For example, he and his minions use amnesty for illegal immigrants as a hot button issue to bring division in our nation. Soros is a globalist and wants a borderless socialist world where America is just one small province of a greater United Nations world super state. This man’s evil agenda needs to be fully exposed and resisted.

Of course, any serious Christian would say that they want nothing to do with Soros, but what they don’t understand is that he uses people that we know and trust to subvert and co-opt us into his socialist agenda and movement. For this reason, many of our largest Christian institutions have been infiltrated with leftist propaganda.

As another example, Tim Keller who formed the Gospel Coalition, has been co-opted by the left to alter doctrine and create new voters for the left. A majority of black Americans as well as a good number of Hispanics and whites have swallowed their agenda hook, line and sinker.

When socialism/communism began to infiltrate churches, they preached their ideology with a little Christian veneer, and many saw through their agenda and left. But now they preach 80-90 percent Christianity and add a little of the other. They push for social justice, promote the war against global warming, the ending of white privilege, the push for illegal immigration and catering to refugees from overseas. What many Christians don’t realize is that these programs are all left wing socialist/communist programs. You are getting 80-90 percent Christian content with a little poisonous socialist/communist doctrine thrown in.

The most effective lie is the one with the most truth in it. There’s an old Arab proverb that says, “Every liar tells the truth.”

There was a famous Marxist school that was established in America in the 1930s by Communist Marxist refugees. It was these refugees who started the cultural and sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s. What is happening now is that their movement has grown and their ideology has spread to universities and now in the churches.

Christians need great discernment in this day and hour. Many are falling for these Marxist programs that have nothing to do with the gospel and they are subtly being moved to the left. These voters will end up destroying the America we’ve always known and loved unless the church wakes up and rises up to an uncompromisingly righteous position of strength. Christians who actually apply their faith to politics are the great final barrier to this corrupt socialist/communist agenda. This is why they are now being targeted.

The video is an introduction to a documentary movie concerning this takeover of America. Its release is due sometime in 2019. I believe very strongly in this documentary movie. Please pray for it, support it financially and share it. The revelations and findings in this movie are going to shock the church and the world. I believe it could spark the radical, moral and cultural revolution we so desperately need in our day.

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