Franklin Graham Goes on HBO to Defend Donald Trump’s Morality, Treatment of Women


Franklin Graham recently appeared on Axios on HBO to share his support for President Donald Trump and defend him against claims he mistreats women. He also talked about the current state of the church when it comes to political issues.

In the shared video, Graham said, “Now people say, ‘Well, Frank, but how can you defend him, when he’s lived such a sordid life?’ I never said he was the best example of the Christian faith. He defends the faith. And I appreciate that very much.”

He also said God, not Graham, will have to be the judge of whether Trump has treated women respectfully. That doesn’t affect Graham’s support.

“Trump has admitted his faults and has apologized to his wife and his daughter for things he has done and said,” Graham said. “And he has to stand before God for those things.”

Axios on HBO also reports that Graham discussed the shrinking membership of liberal churches (“In this country, we have seen in the last 70 years, the liberalism in churches, and those churches, those denominations, a lot of that membership has gone down as people have left, but churches that teach the Bible, believe the Bible, are doing well”) and whether the American church has become too closely affiliated with the Republican Party.

“Well first of all, I’m going to support politicians that are going to support the Christian faith whether they’re Democrats, Republicans, Independents,” Graham said. “Politicians that are going to guarantee my freedom of worship. And I appreciate the president has appointed now two conservative judges that are going to defend religious freedom, so amen to that.”


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