‘There Will Be Supernatural Growth in This Season’


God’s heart will always be to leave the 99 for the one. If every service is for one person, so be it. If we all gather for just one person’s breakthrough, it is worth it. God is stirring the waters just like a pool of Bethesda. The first one to jump in got what they needed from the Lord. That was then; now Jesus is the pool, and He is here for each and every one of us. If you’ll jump into Jesus, you’ll get what you need, for God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still Jehovah Rapha. He is still Jehovah Shalom. He is still El Shaddai—the Lord God Almighty.

“Is there anything I cannot do in your life—will not do for the child of God who will just believe my Word? For my Word has gone out into all the earth—my seeds into the harvest fields. I’m looking for a place to plant my seed into fertile soil. I have found one such as this, for you are a vineyard of the Lord, a garden of my delight (Isa. 5:7). I’ve been planting my seed deep into the soil of your life—some many decades ago, 10, 20, even 30 years ago—so deep in you that even you forgot about the seed. But God did not forget the seed that was planted so deep in you.”

“There is deep water coming to do a deep work in the body of Christ. God is looking for one where He can plant His seed—a place where it will be cared for, trusted to take care of, watered, fertilized and tilled. The ground in you has been tilled for many years, and you said, “God, I can’t stand the tilling any more. I’ve pulled out every rock, every weed, every hindrance and every obstacle for this moment.”

“I brought my fire, and I burned your field to a crisp many times over. It started to grow. You thought it was the enemy, but I brought the fire. In this time, place, and season your field has been charred and black, burned by my Shekinah glory, but the seed remains. This seed, the enemy could not steal, for it was planted so deep in you. I had to dig deep in you, because in this place, in the deep place, the birds of the air could not steal it away. The enemy could not even find it, because it was so deep in you. But even in the times that you forgot, I did not forget my words of promise in you, for I spoke it into you many years ago.”

“In this time, I am calling it forth. It’s beginning to break through the ground. It’s beginning to burst forth with green fertile growth. I see thousands of seeds breaking through the ground as fertile plants that will begin to grow. There will be supernatural growth in this season, for what took decades before will only take days. For my ‘miracle grow soil’ has been deep in you, and I am causing my miracles to grow in you. I am bringing about a great harvest, for you, the reaper, will overtake the sower! Do you hear my words?”

“‘Indeed, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘When the plowman will overtake the one who is reaping, and the treader of grapes the one who is sowing the seed'” (Amos 9:13a).

“It will be a time of heavy accelerated fruit with lots of Son-shine! I’ll be the dawn of every new day, your bright morning star. My shekinah glory will shine out on your life, your fields, to bring exponential—hear my word—exponential acceleration. Where many have cursed the very ground you walked on, I am reversing the curse for you now, in Jesus’ name.

I am turning it all around for my glory. For what the enemy meant for harm, I am turning it for my good. I am redeeming your land. I am redeeming the time. It’s my time. It’s my season of planting and harvests. You’re coming into such a heavy rain of my glory! Today: heavy rain. Tomorrow: heavy rain. Next week: heavy rain. Next year: heavy rain, heavy rain, heavy rain! You’ll live in the reality of Hosea Chapter 6. Your weather forecast for your life is heavy rain. Wherever you go you will be under a cloud of My heavy rain presence, wherever your feet may trod.”

“In the midst of this rain, the Lord is singing a love song over you to remind you of His covenant love, and to remind you that He will never leave you or forsake you—His abiding presence will be with you always, even until the end of the age. And know this, the rain will only get heavier, and heavier. The heavy, weighty, kabod of my presence will come upon you, and you will be a carrier of my glory, an ark of my covenant in the earth. And where you walk, you will walk with glory feet. Your feet will be on fire for me,” says the Lord. “You will carry the glory feet of God to usher in my very presence wherever you go. And you’ll say, ‘The king is here! The king is here! The king is here!’ As you decrease, I will increase.” {eoa}

David Lebo of Tidal Wave Ministries, has a passion for awakening among the nations, boldly proclaiming the word of the Lord as a voice of “one crying in the wilderness”. He ministers in freedom to release the fullness of God’s kingdom. He is the author of the book Abiding Under The Shadow.


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