Black Pastor Sounds the Alarm on New Bill That Would Advance the Radical Gay Agenda


Dr. Randy Short, a black pastor and member of the group Gone 2 Far, says the “Equality Act,” a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives right now, is a back-door way to legalize pedophilia and advance the radical gay agenda.

“The Equality Act, if it were to be ratified, passed into law, would change the entire characteristic of American law across the board,” Short says.

The bill, HR 5, was introduced to the House of Representatives last month. The bill aims “to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.”

The bill makes public accommodations for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and more.

Short says the bill’s writers and supporters are co-opting large civil rights movements like women’s suffrage and the Civil Rights Movement to support the LGBT cause.

“The radical sodomite agenda is hijacking the movements of the blacks, women in particular,” Short tells Charisma News. “They accrue all the equity, all the benefits, without any investments. It’s cheaply gotten.”

If passed, the bill’s outcome would be disastrous for the country.

“This is a pedophile amnesty bill,” Short says. “It opens the back door to pedophilia being legalized and given federal protection.”

He continues: “This is already happening, but in certain states, if a child wants gender-altering drugs [or] hormone blockers, they can say their parents aren’t treating them right, and the government will take them out of the home.”

Short says the bill would affect people of faith, particularly conservative Christians who support traditional values.

Other faith-based organizations have also spoken out against the bill.

According to the National Religious Broadcasters:

As one witness warned, as a result of H.R. 5’s limitless redefinition of “places of accommodation” to include the provision of goods, services, and programs, including online activities, “churches and houses of worship” as well as pastors would be swept within its prohibitions against discrimination. Another witness suggested that church members ask their pastors to adopt an inclusive approach to transgender issues, and to switch churches or their charitable giving if their demands were not met.

NRB’s concerns that H.R. 5 contravenes fundamental religious freedoms are further supported by the text of the bill itself. The “Equality Act” unequally discriminates against religious people and faith-based employers and ministries by explicitly prohibiting the application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), passed by overwhelming bipartisan majorities in Congress and signed into law in 1993 by President Bill Clinton to restore historic protections of religious liberty against abusive government actions. RFRA was the basis of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2014 decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., upholding the rights of Hobby Lobby to be exempted from the abortion and contraception-related provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

NRB strongly urges lawmakers in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to reject the “Equality Act.” It is an affront to the timeless guarantees of religious freedom that the Founders embedded within the liberties of the First Amendment, and recognized by Congress when it passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 1993 and later amended it favorably in 2000 in the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). It is a self-evident truth that new forms of “equality” should not be legislated at the expense of historic freedoms.

Short says the bill is gaining steam because many people are afraid to speak out against the LGBT community.

“With gays, everyone becomes afraid, fearful, in an era of self-censorship,” Short says. “This isn’t some weak group of people that get bullied every day. They’re globalists, the swamp creatures the president talks about, targeting people who are the real Americans, God-fearing Americans who supported the president. This is an attack on what remains of America.”


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