How God Fulfilled a Young Man’s Vision to Bring Christians to Israel


The second time Adedeji Olajide went to Israel, he asked God a simple question: “Why did You bring me here again?”

It wasn’t that Olajide didn’t want to be in Israel. He loved his first trip to the Holy Land and was excited to be there again—this time with Passages, a faith-based organization that helps students travel to Israel at a low cost. But Olajide felt God wanted him there for a specific purpose, and he wanted to know what it was.

Olajide says his father is from Nigeria and moved to the U.S. in the early 1970s. With his mother being born and raised in the United States, Olajide grew up in a home with two languages, two cultures and a unique perspective. But now that he was traveling to Israel, how would God use his unique perspective to make a difference?

That’s when he saw a group of Nigerian pilgrims.

“I kind of got this vision of like, ‘How cool would it be to send Nigerian Christians to Israel and be part of that experience for them?'” Olajide says on the “Charisma News” podcast. “So I got a kind of vision, if you will, to say, ‘Hey, I want to go back to Israel, and the second time, I want to be able to create the experience for other people.’ And it’s not just necessarily Nigerians, but anybody who wants to come and visit the land. And so Passages also has been kind of an answer to that prayer, to that promise of coming back to Israel and helping other people experience the land.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what other spiritual revelations the Holy Spirit gave Olajide in the Holy Land! For more information about Passages, visit {eoa}

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