If These Spirits Are Attacking You, You May Need Deliverance
Pastor Jim Kibler emphasizes that although Christians can’t be possessed, they can be attacked by demons. This comes in various forms, whether mental illness, cancer, financial woes or something else. Do Christians need deliverance?
To answer that question, Kibler recalls a time at Rhema Bible College when Lynette Hagin prophetically called people to the altar, knowing there were people in the room who were hurting.
“[Hagin] said, ‘God has impressed upon me that somebody here is depressed, severely depressed. And right now, I want to pray for you. If that is you, get up and come down front.’ … You would not believe what happened. Now, these are students at Rhema Bible College. The No. 1 Spirit-filled Bible college in the world. And when she said that, over half of the student body, probably close to 900 or 1,000 people, got up and went down front. … The devil was running wild in there.”
Kibler went on to say that the spirit of fear causes depression, so every one of those students needed deliverance or healing from that spirit. Being “Christian” doesn’t disqualify you from becoming a victim of Satan’s attacks. On the “Receiving From God” podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, Kibler also says Jesus used him to heal a woman of pancreatic cancer when he said:
“‘In the name of Jesus, I command the spirit of death to leave you right now. I command the spirit of sickness and infirmity, that evil spirit, to come out of that cancer. And I command that cancer to shrivel up and die and go away.’ I put my hand on her and held her face in my hands.”
So, what’s the secret? How do we actually help heal people of or deliver people from their illnesses if it’s the Lord’s will?
“You’ve got to be operating at an extremely high level of faith to do it,” Kibler said. “I do this all the time. This is routine for me.”
For more on deliverance ministry, listen to the rest of the episode here.