Who Really Was Jezebel—And Is She at Work Today?


Perhaps one of the most well-known and powerful idolaters in all the Bible, the evil Queen Jezebel’s spirit is still at work today, says columnist, author and national radio host Dr. Michael Brown. And she is likely reveling in the fact that idolatry is rampant in America.

Brown’s new book, Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide, focuses on very real societal topics such as idolatry, pornography, abortion, radical feminism, witchcraft, the emasculating of men, an all-out war on gender and the silencing of the church’s prophetic voice.

Likewise, Jezebel’s idolatry was very tangible evidence of her evil nature, Brown says.

“The worship of false gods moved her and molded her, and the evil that poured out of her heart flowed straight from her misplaced worship,” he said. “Even now, Jezebel wants to turn our hearts away from the one true God because we become like the ones we worship and adore.

“As Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 10:20, when pagans offer a sacrifice to an idol, ‘what the pagans sacrifice is to demons and not to God, and I don’t want you to become partners with demons’ (TLV),” Brown continues. “That’s why idolatry opens the floodgates of evil. When we worship idols and give ourselves to them, we become partners with demons. What a frightful thought. And what an explanation of Jezebel’s evil ways. Talk about being a partner of the devil!”


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