Christians in Israel Give Eyewitness Reports on Biblical Prophecy in Action in Holy Land


In a world of media negativity and lies, HaYovel presents the Joshua and Caleb Report Podcast. Hosted by Joshua Waller and Luke Hilton, our show is based in Israel’s biblical heartland, which is where more than 80% of the Bible was written or took place. Our frontline view of Israel gives a unique and fresh insight into what God is doing in the world today.

Each week, we’ll bring you:

—Stories and news from Israel’s frontlines.

—Biblical prophecy in action.

—Examples of how God is restoring His kingdom through Israel’s land and people today.

When the 12 spies returned with a report to the children of Israel, only two of them, Joshua and Caleb, chose to stand with God’s promises concerning Israel. Today, our world is permeated with lies and negativity concerning the Holy Land. Having spent 15 years in Israel’s heartland and having hosted 3,000 Christians in volunteer programs here, the Joshua and Caleb Report brings you the truth about Israel. Don’t settle for lies and negativity—listen to our show to become empowered to stand confidently with God’s land and people.

Recent Episodes: With the “Deal of the Century” recently being released, most of the world is applauding a historic opportunity for Israel and the Palestinians. Most of the reactions from those lauding the plan, however, are from those who have hardly stepped foot in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s biblical heartland. Ironically, this is where America wants to make a peace deal.

What does the plan actually mean for the Jews and Arabs living in the so-called “West Bank”? Is the plan good for both people groups? After more than 70 years of tried and failed peace plans, will this one really be different?

Listen to our latest shows to find out what the peace plan means for Israel and the Palestinians. Do you have a responsibility to take a stand for biblical truth in this age-old conflict?

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