Max Lucado: God’s Ultimate Answer to Human Suffering


The questions are familiar ones for bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado: “Why Christianity, and what is so different about Jesus?” And they’re ones Lucado will answer gladly and with joy in his heart every time.

“Christianity is Christ, the person of Christ, the expression of Christ,” Lucado told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I want to help people understand the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.

“Who would have ever imagined that God would become a human being, that He would reveal Himself to us? Not in some image or prophecy or not in some delivered book, which He does many times, but that He would reveal Himself in the person of a person, to walk the planet Earth with us so that once and for all, we would know the heart of God? I mean, how gracious of our Lord to do this!

“I believe every generation needs to be reintroduced to Jesus Christ, especially in this day and age where there is so much transition, so much anxiety in the world. In the Bible, God’s ultimate answer to the question of human suffering and struggle is Jesus Christ.

“Because in Jesus Christ, we see a God who understands, who gets us, who has been here. But we also see a God who came to save us and redeem us. He gives us a reason to say, ‘Life is difficult, but it won’t stay this way forever.’ I don’t know any greater answer to the condition of humanity than the message of the accomplishment of Jesus Christ.”

For more of Max Lucado’s message on the uniqueness of Christ, listen to the entire podcast.

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