7 Faith-Filled Quotes to Remind You There Are Christians in Hollywood


Christians in Hollywood and beyond shared their perspective on God with Movieguide TV host® Evy Baehr Carroll. Their heartfelt statements can remind us there are entertainers who practice what they preach.

Check out their full comments in the video below.

1. Colton Dixon- On miracles

“I think miracles happen every day,” proclaimed Movieguide®’s musical guest. “Sometimes we just don’t take the opportunity to look at them. We woke up today and that’s a pretty big deal.”

How right he is! Dixon performed his latest single, “Miracles,” and shared his heart behind its lyrics.

“I wanted to write a song about seeing the little things for the miracles that they are and it turned into this big anthem that I hope people can apply to everyday life … it’s like you know you forget to see God and everything and what he’s doing.”

2. and 3. Romeo Miller and Master P- On God’s blessings

“God has changed our lives,” said Master P (Dancing With the Stars) while next to his son Romeo Miller.

“We [have] sold over 100 million records, we’ve made a lot of movies [and] we’re creating our first faith-based film,” Master P said in acknowledgment of God’s blessings. “I have a movie called God Is Real ’cause God is real.”

Miller dovetailed off his father’s comments and shared a favorite Scripture that he has inked on his arm. The tattoo cites Mark 9:23, and Miller elaborated, “[If] you believe anything is truly possible, I think that’s our biggest success to my family.”

In their future professional endeavors, Miller said, “We want to show this next go-around [with moviemaking]. This is why we’re here, because of the man up above.”

Read the rest of this article at Movieguide®. Find out what God is doing in Hollywood!

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