How to Discern Truth From Deception in These Chaotic Times


Most of us observe the tremendous cultural confusion, shaking our heads with the sense there is no recovery. It’s overwhelming, even insane, what people are claiming and doing.

The voices that demand rights are overpowering any voice of reason, as reason has been exchanged for chaos amid the self-serving rebels.

I’ve given a lot of prayer consideration to this and am stepping out to be a voice of reason to appeal to those who are fighting to find their place in this world.

Each of us is created with specific needs that must be met. We intrinsically, even if unaware, search to satisfy these basic needs. One thing common to all: we don’t like to be lied to. We are born with the ability to recognize deception is bad and truth is good.

Read the entire article here.

Please tune in to this episode of Faith to Live By, Discovering Truth Part 1, on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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