Charisma Panel on Why God Is Saying Trump Will Win—And How You Can Pray


Every charismatic Christian leader I respect has said Donald Trump will win a second term, even though the national news media on Saturday declared Joe Biden as the winner of Tuesday’s election and the 46th president of the United States. I asked myself, How should Charisma cover it?

Sunday morning, I woke up with an impression I should convene a Charisma panel, as I have before, to discuss what God is saying about important issues. On very short notice, I was able to interview both Rabbi Curt Landry of Oklahoma and Janet Porter, author of the Heartbeat Bill and president of Faith2Action. We came together to assure believers that the election is far from decided and that they must do their part to help expose what could be revealed as massive election fraud in many states throughout the country. And we talked about how Christians should pray. I urge you to watch our 30-minute discussion here.

Landry told me that God is “completely in control” and that God is going to “give Donald Trump this election.” He prophesied in 2015 that Trump would be a two-term president and says that today he preached from Chronicles 20:20b, which says, “Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be supported. Believe His prophets, and you will succeed.”

“This is a word from the Lord for 2020,” Landry says. “The Lord is saying that if you believe in the Word of God, you will be established. I’ve been operating as a prophet for 30 years, and I have never in my experience as a prophet seen every prophet I know and respect—and some I respect and don’t know—all on the same sheet of music. They are all saying Donald Trump is going to serve two terms.

“Basically, the prophets were right,” he says. “If everything would have been stopped legally on election night, Nov. 3, like it was supposed to be, Donald Trump technically would have won and [Republicans] would have won the House, too. Now, you have all this corruption taking place. The key is, as the anointed ones and the prophets of God, we have to come into agreement in prayer and intercession to take back what the enemy has stolen.”

Porter, who helped expose election fraud in Florida in 2000 when the news media declared Al Gore the winner in Florida and therefore the president-elect of the United States, adamantly agrees with Landry and says Trump—and God’s people—will ultimately prevail.

“What I’m telling people is do not listen to the naysayers; we have been here before,” Porter says. “God will do it again. I have not one ounce out of doubt, not one. This is the time for high-octane prayer. We need fasting, and we need mountain-moving prayer. If you ever thought about fasting, this is the moment to do it.”

She adds, “If you are discouraged, turn off the fake news and get with God’s people and see what He’s speaking to them.”

I wrote that the prophets have said that Donald Trump would win a second term in my book God, Trump and the 2020 Election, as well as on podcasts and on our website. Last Tuesday when I was a guest on the America Stands election night coverage by the Victory Network, I talked about what the prophets have said (and so did other guests)—even when it was clear the election could not be decided that night. I still believe that the election fraud will be exposed and Trump will be reelected.

Earlier Sunday, Landry preached at Todd Smith’s Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, Georgia, site of the now-famous North Georgia Revival, and gave a powerful word you can find on the Curt Landry Facebook page or at this link, starting at about an hour into the service. {eoa}


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