7 Steps We Can Take to Help Stop Voter Fraud in America


As we continue to pray regarding the election, I’m sure many of us wish there was something more we could do. There is! And it is important we take action.

Remember in 2 Chronicles 20 the word to the Israelites was, “‘Thus says the Lord to you, “Do not fear, nor be dismayed because of this great army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow, go down against them. They will travel up by the Ascent of Ziz. You will find them at the back of the valley, before the Wilderness of Jeruel. It will not be necessary for you to fight in this conflict. Take your positions, stand, and observe the deliverance of the Lord for you, O Judah and Jerusalem. ” Do not fear or be filled with terror. Tomorrow, go out before them, and the Lord will be with you”‘” (2 Chron. 20:15b-17).

The Lord told them exactly where their attackers would be. They were told to go out and meet them, take their positions and stand firm. They were not going to have to physically fight in that battle, but they did have to take action then, as we do now.

Here are some things you can do:

1. You can sign this petition to demand an audit of the voter count in each state.

2. If you know or have seen voter fraud report it.

3. Stay up to date on what is happening with the Stop the Steal initiative.

4. Know the facts. Here is footage and links to eyewitness accounts of voter fraud and updates.

5. Come together as a nation in corporate Communion on Nov. 15.

6. You can send a word of encouragement to the president.

7. Of course, continue to pray that all legal votes will be counted and all illegal votes will be discarded. We continue to pray that the winner of this election will be authentically chosen by the voters and not be installed by fraud.

In the meantime, should the president concede? No. The votes haven’t yet all been counted, much less certified. Not to mention there are lawsuits which have been filed in multiple states regarding evidence of voter fraud.

Even now we can see where votes from the software “glitch” reported in Michigan and Wisconsin which gave Trump votes to Biden, are being returned to Trump’s total. Both states will most likely turn back red, as they should have been, based on the actual vote. Bottom line: Why should the president concede when we don’t have the final tally of votes yet?

President Trump has said, if these investigations prove that he does not have the needed electoral votes to win, he will concede. Would Biden do the same? According to Hillary Clinton, he will not. Let us pray for a God-intervention as voter fraud and corruption is revealed along with the deception that has kept many in blinded and that all will be removed. {eoa}

Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List and other publications. To order her new book: INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity, click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: karenhardin.com, or you can contact her at prioritypr.org.

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