CN Morning Rundown: Dr. James Dobson Calls for Prayer for Georgia Senate Runoffs


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Dr. James Dobson Calls for Prayer as Georgia Senate Race Becomes Ground Zero for America’s Future

Dr. James Dobson is rallying Christians to pray. On Jan. 5 a runoff election in Georgia will determine two Senate seats and which political party will have greatest influence in Washington, D.C. Here is his statement:

“We are standing on the edge of an abyss.

“Our ‘sweet land of liberty’ is just two Senate races away from ushering in a socialist-driven agenda that is anti-faith, anti-family and anti-freedom. Are ‘we the people’ listening? The Judeo-Christian system of values that have upheld our great nation for nearly 250 years is in danger of disintegrating. Georgia is ground zero for what may turn out to be the most consequential political battle our country has ever faced. If we lose, the America we have known and loved for centuries may be facing its final days. I write this with a huge lump in my throat.”

Michael Brown Issues a Challenge to Pro-Life Voters

For many Christian conservatives, the No. 1 voting issue is abortion. Under no circumstances will we vote for a pro-choice candidate, no matter how good that candidate’s other policies may be.

Conversely, we will vote for a strong pro-life candidate even if that candidate does not line up with some of our other ideals. After all, we reason, what is more important than the shedding of innocent blood, especially the blood of babies in their mothers’ wombs?

And while it is true that having an abortion is not exactly the same as burning a baby on the altar of the god Molech, as the ancient Israelites used to do, it is certainly high on the list of things God hates. For good reason are we grieved and outraged over it.

That is one reason why so many of us voted for President Trump. And that is one reason why so many of us voted against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden (and Kamala Harris). Abortion. That one word says it all.

Spirit-Filled Pastor: ‘God, Ignite Revival in Our Nation’

Revivalist Duncan Campbell once said in his book, The Price and Power of Revival: “How is it that while we make such great claims for the power of the gospel, we see so little of the supernatural in operation? Is there any reason why the church today cannot everywhere equal the church at Pentecost?

I feel this is a question we ought to face with an open mind and an honest heart. What did the early church have that we do not possess today? Nothing but the Holy Spirit; nothing but the power of God.”

He continues, “Here I would suggest that one of the main secrets of success in the early church lay in the fact that the early believers believed in unction from on high and not entertainment from men … How did the early church get the people? By publicity projects, by bills, by posters, by parades, by pictures? No! The people were arrested and drawn together and brought into vital relationship with God, not by sounds from men, but by sounds from heaven.”

The church needs spiritual power more than ever, not entertainment. {eoa}


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