Breaking: Video Reveals Nevada Republican Electors Casting Symbolic Electoral Votes for Trump


Amidst media reports from major outlets confirming Joe Biden’s victory in the Nevada electoral college vote for president of the United States, six Republican electors met outside the Nevada State Legislature Monday to cast their symbolic votes for Donald J. Trump to retain the nation’s highest office.

The Associated Press, CNN, and others reported that Democratic electors had cast the state’s six electoral votes for Biden on Monday via a Zoom conference that took less than 20 minutes.

Electors signed pledges to vote for the presidential and vice presidential candidates who received the most votes in the state, as required under Nevada’s faithful electors law, and then filled out seven copies of their votes for state and federal records, reports.

This comes after the Supreme Court rejected the state of Texas’ lawsuit that challenged election results in four key swing states: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

In a video from the Right Side Broadcasting Network, Republican electors said they plan to send the certifications from their reenactment to Washington, D.C. State by state today, electors have cast their votes, sealed them and are sending them to Washington, D.C., to be opened prior to the Jan. 20 inauguration.

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