Why Cultural Differences Could Set the American Church Back 30 Years


To say the church is divided over the U.S. elections, racism, whether to physically meet in churches and any number of other issues is an overwhelming understatement. This disunity is beyond spots and blemishes. This strife is beyond differences of opinion and has strayed into the demonic.

Ephesians 4 tells us Jesus gave the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Ephesians 4:13 (NLT) adds: “This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.”

Clearly, we’re a far cry from unity in our faith. I’m concerned that the church will face a 30-year setback if intercessors don’t contend with the strife, error, arrogance and apathy that is raging in the body of Christ. We must contend against these and other dark powers we have opened the door for—and we must contend for the unity of the faith.

United We Stand

I want to focus on the “unity of the faith” aspect, however, because I believe as we stand for unity we are simultaneously standing against the enemies of unity. If we can restore greater unity in the body of Christ, we can advance Christ’s kingdom in the earth and see the awakening and revival so many of us have our heart set on.

If we fail to unify, the enemy will instead advance the spread of darkness in the church—including and especially in the prophetic and prayer movements that have manifested as much strife as any other members of the body—and in the world. It’s never too late to stem the enemy’s tide, but the longer we wait to set aside our difference and to push back the darkness the greater the fight will be.

In 2014, I wrote: “I believe one of the reasons we don’t see revival in America is because the discord, disharmony and strife—the lack of unity—is hindering a move of God. I see so many trying to build their own kingdoms instead of working to build the kingdom of God. I see so many trying to attract people to their church instead of trying to attract people to Jesus. My brethren, this ought not be so.”

A Kingdom Divided

We were divided then, and I submit to you we are even more divided now. Jesus said a kingdom divided cannot stand (see Mark 3:25). Jesus was talking about the kingdom of darkness, but let me pose this question: How can the church stand against the kingdom of darkness when we have agreed with the principles of this wicked kingdom to bite and devour one another instead of edifying and loving one another?

Make no mistake: Where there are international schisms in the church, principalities and powers have a field day. But I am still believing for the Third Great Awakening God showed me in 2007. With that said, keep this in mind: A.T. Pierson, an 18th-century pastor who wrote over 50 books, once said this: “There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.”

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