From the Capitol: ‘Chaos at the Capitol or Contending for a Country?’


Editor’s Note: Pastor Caleb Cooper was at the Capitol Jan. 6. He shares how the events unfolded where he stood.

Hearts across the nation are unsettled and potentially confused by what happened at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Social media is flooded with images, videos and many perspectives of the U.S. Capitol being stormed by what many call “Trump supporters.”

The media, which some say functions like a modern-day false prophet, is painting its own picture of the narrative. Americans are left to process what is truth, error and deception about the events of that historic day.

I remind you of these two verses before I share my eyewitness account of what happened at the south side of the U.S. Capitol Wednesday. I cannot speak to what may have happened inside the Capitol or on the north side of the Capitol; I was not there.

Isaiah 5:20a says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who exchange darkness for light, and light for darkness.”

Matthew 24:3a-4 says, “‘Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Take heed that no one deceives you.'”

As I stepped on the soil of our great nation’s Capitol, I could see and hear the sound of a patriotic army marching to the declarations of “Stop the steal,” “USA,” “God bless America” and “Say no to communism.”

Jericho marches were happening around the Capitol.

I entered the south side as prayer and worship were taking place on the lawn. Slowly the lawn began to fill up with born-again believers in Jesus Christ, patriots who love this great country.

They peacefully waved their flags and banners, invoking their freedom of speech. Many believers exercised their God-given, inalienable rights to freely pray, worship, declare, decree and preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at the nation’s Capitol.

I moved to the center of the back of the lawn as a man was pulling a little wagon with a sound system calling on people to “Praise God,” “Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords,” “We have won the victory,” “Repent and be saved” and “Pray in the Holy Ghost.”

The crowd erupted with, “Hallelujah!”

Suddenly someone announced that the motorcade with Vice President Pence was leaving. We saw the black SUVs exiting the Capitol.

Within moments, the American people began moving forward like patriotic soldiers who wanted their voices heard. Barriers came down, and the Capitol Police started backing up.

The people moved past the barriers into the courtyard of the Capitol, continuing up the stairs as law enforcement were moved back by the mental intensity and determination of the American people’s passion to get to the truth concerning the allegations of election fraud.

The patriots were innumerable. They filled the top platform of the Capitol, with a sea of people extending down the stairs and into the courtyard and beyond. Over the crowd, I saw American flags, Trump flags and Appeal to Heaven flags being carried past the barriers and making their way to the top as the crowd began to sing the National Anthem and shout “USA.”

To hear more about Cooper’s experience at the Capitol, listen to the full conversation with Charisma Media CEO Stephen Strang. {eoa}


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