Family of Demon-Possessed Girl Struggles to Accept Christ

When Pathik Sharma showed a movie about Jesus to a people staunchly devoted to ancestor worship, Bishakha Gupta came to watch—and so did the demon that possessed her body.

As the movie ended, Bishakha’s breathing became erratic. Her parents noticed her distress and decided to take her to a doctor the next day. But Pathik, a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary, asked if he could pray for the young girl instead.

When Pathik stepped toward Bishakha, the girl pushed him away and would not let the missionary touch her. She became violent. The people around her held her hands and feet so Pathik could pray.

Nepal Churches Live Under Constant Threat

Defying pouring rain and flooded streets, over two dozen people have gathered faithfully at the Putalisadak Church in the heart of capital city Kathmandu for the regular Thursday evening Bible study class, bringing a smile of satisfaction on the face of Pastor Dev Kumar Chetri.

The smile fades, however, when he talks about the problems that Nepal’s second-oldest church has faced due to government discrimination. Hundreds of other churches scattered through the former Hindu kingdom have faced the same problem.

Christian Worshippers Brutally Beaten in Vietnam

A violent attack against indigenous minority Christians in the central highlands of Vietnam has left 16 men and women severely injured and one man still under arrest; his welfare remains unknown to date, according to a report from International Christian Concern.

To be sure, the systematic persecution of Degar Montagnard Christians continues, with this brutal attack as proof of the regime’s purposeful policing, harassment, and aggressive oppression of this indigenous people and minority religious group.

On July 7, at approximately 8 p.m., Vietnamese security forces and police descended upon a worship service in the village of Buon Kret Krot (H’Ra commune, Mang Yang district, Plei Ku city, in Gai Lai province), and began kicking and beating the attendees. Security forces threatened the villagers, stating: If anyone worships like this way, we will return to arrest you all and put you in prison for five years.”

Zachery Tims: Forget About the Past

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in Charisma magazine in June 2007. In the article Pastor Zachery Tims, who died on Aug. 12 in a New York City hotel room, exhorted Christians to pursue God’s destiny for their lives. The article is characteristic of Tims’ charismatic teaching that helped him build a megachurch with 8,000 members in Orlando, Fla.

Where you’re going in life is more important than where you’ve been.

When you’re driving a car, do you ever pay attention to how big the windshield is compared to the rearview mirror? Why do you think the rearview mirror is smaller? It’s because where you’re going is more important than where you’ve been.

Believer’s Burial Wishes Enrage Villagers

When Krishna Maya Pariyar died last week, her fellow believers tried to carry out her wish to be buried on her own land. But this caused major problems for the people in Krishna’s village.

They adhere to their traditional religion, which mandates cremation as the only proper ritual. The people in this village were upset that Krishna had turned her back on their traditional gods to worship Jesus, in both her life and in her death.

The people believed that if they could cremate, rather than bury Krishna, she would once again receive favor from her gods. So they confronted the Christians who were planning Krishna’s burial.

Anne Graham Lotz Calls for a Wake-Up 10 Years After 9/11

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy and Ruth Graham, fervently believes the signs of Jesus’ return are being fulfilled and He will return during this generation.

In her book Expecting to See Jesus: A Wake-Up Call for God’s People, released in August, Lotz details the signs of Jesus’ return and the implications that He could return at any moment. She wants America to realize that Sept. 11 was a wake-up call from God, that as a country we have pushed him out of our government and schools, and it’s time to repent and invite him back.

“The signs that Jesus gave and the headlines in the news are coming together in a dramatically sobering way,” says Lotz, president and CEO of AnGeL Ministries, a nonprofit organization that undergirds her efforts to draw people into a  life-changing relationship with God through his Word. “I have held the conviction with intense focus since I was in my early 20s that if I live out my natural lifetime, I will live to see the physical return of Jesus to earth!”

Bloody Week in Iraq Raises Religicide Concerns

Although no one claimed the bloodiest day this year for Iraq, the attacks this week bore the hallmark of al-Qaida.

Suicide bombers, car bombs and roadside explosives hit more than a dozen Iraqi cities and towns. The explosions killed roughly 70 people. Homes, business and houses of worship were targeted.

Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs says the group behind the Monday assault was sending a message.

“When you talk about more than 40 attacks coordinated all across the entire country, you’re talking about: ‘We’re still here and we can make a lot of trouble.’ I think the other message that they’re sending is: ‘You should be very afraid,'” he said.

As U.S. troops draw down and leave Iraq, the Christians there have a very real concern. Nettleton explains that they’re wondering if the government can respond to the threats against them. Believers are asking, “Who will protect us? Who will make sure that our churches are not bombed, that our people are not attacked and killed?”

William Menzies Passes Away at 80

Dr. William (Bill) W. Menzies—Assemblies of God pastor, educator, missionary and author—went to be with the Lord shortly past noon on Aug. 15.

Born on July 1, 1931, Menzies earned a B.A. at Central Bible College (Springfield, Mo.) and a M.A. at Wheaton College, where he met and married Doris Dresselhaus in 1955. He was ordained in 1956.

Menzies held teaching and administrative positions at Central Bible College, Evangel University, the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, California Theological Seminary, and Asia Pacific Theological Seminary.

Menzies completed his Ph.D. at the University of Iowa. His dissertation became the benchmark history of the Assemblies of God, “Anointed to Serve” He was a prolific author, authoring or editing standard textbooks such as Understanding the Times of Christ, Bible Doctrines: A Pentecostal Perspective and Spirit and Power.

Menzies is widely known in Pentecostal and evangelical circles as a statesman, building bridges across denominational and racial divides. He was one of the organizers of the Society for Pentecostal Studies and was the first editor of the society’s journal, Pneuma. He was also one of the editors for the Full Life Study Bible and a consulting editor for Christianity Today.

9/11 Documentary Producers Win Battle to Broadcast in NYC Parks

The story of 9/11 survivors will be welcome in New York City after all.

The New York City’s Department of Parks and Recreation has agreed to grant a request from the Christian Action Network to permit the showing of a film made about 9/11 survivors in a number of city parks leading up to the 10th anniversary of the tragic attacks of 9/11.

The decision came just two weeks after the American Center for Law and Justice sent a demand letter urgingc ity officials to permit the film to be shown or face a possible lawsuit.

Archives: Zachery Tims Shares His Testimony

The following article was originally published in Charisma magazine in September 2006.

Marijuana and cocaine defined his young life.

He started by selling to addicts in a high crime area. Before long he sold drugs to classmates at the Roman Catholic high school he attended, to women willing to barter their bodies for crack cocaine, and later to supervisors wanting to get high on the job. Trafficking turned him on—until, like some of his customers, he got addicted to his product.

But all that changed for Zachery Tims one early morning in March 1989. It was close to 3 a.m., and the blackness of the night sky paled in comparison to the spiritual darkness that had blanketed Tims while he slept. Demons swarmed around him in his dream, trying to pull him into hell. It was the third straight night the hideous creatures seeking his life had invaded his sleep.

This time, Tims bolted from his bed and rushed for the door.

Zachery Tims Tributes Surface on YouTube

When rumors first emerged that megachurch Pastor Zachery Tims Jr. had passed away, believers took to Twitter and Facebook looking for the truth. Now, Tims’ followers are broadcasting video tributes on YouTube.

The 42-year-old Tims was found Friday at 6 p.m. in a W Hotel room in New York City. Despite rumors in the media world, the official cause of death is not yet known.

Tims pastored New Destiny Christian Center in the Orlando, Fla., area since 1996. The church has grown to more than 8,000 members, many of whom gathered together at the church on Monday night to pay their respects.

As the church world waits for the mystery of Tims’ death to be resolved, some Christians are honoring the man who they will remember for building youth centers and helping people fight the good fight of faith. Here are a few of those videos:

Insurgent Blast Ravages Church Building in Iraq

An insurgent blast left a church building in Kirkuk, Iraq, severely damaged on Monday in a second round of attacks against the city’s Christian community in two weeks.

The bombing of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Mar Afram was the only attack against Christian targets amid a wave of violence that swept across Iraq yesterday, hitting 17 cities and claiming about 70 lives, according to The Associated Press.

An explosive device next to one of the church’s walls exploded at 1:20 a.m. on Monday. Photos showed the bricks of one of the side walls strewn across the church floor and furniture, and one of the metal doors twisted open.

Drunk Flirt Meets Missionary, Finds Jesus

Dhiraj and his wife, Nutan, should have been living happily ever after. They had three children and Dhiraj ran his own small business, working as a silversmith. Like almost everyone else in the village, the family worshipped all the local deities faithfully.

But strife was taking its toll on their marriage. Dhiraj was addicted to alcohol. He also embarrassed himself by flirting with the young women in their village, much to his wife’s embarrassment and dismay. Then Dhiraj would come home drunk and yell at his wife over trivial matters. Their marriage was crumbling, and Nutan had reached her breaking point.

One day she decided she couldn’t take any more. After a heated argument, she started to drink acid. Dhiraj was able to stop her—but not before she’d already burned her throat. A fearful Dhiraj raced his wife to the hospital.

Zachery Tims’ Ex-Wife Speaks Out at Church Service

Riva Tims, the ex-wife of the late Pastor Zachery Tims Jr., addressed more than 2,000 people gathered at New Destiny Christian Center in Orlando, Fla., Monday night. The 42-year-old Zachery Tims was found Friday at 6 p.m. in a W Hotel room in New York City. The official cause of death is not yet known.

Riva Tims, who left the church in 2008 during a scandal and eventual divorce in which Zachery Tims admitted to an “indiscretion,” told the congregation that she, her ex-husband and their four children traveled together to Puerto Rico the week prior to his death.

“God saw it fit that we would have an opportunity to spend a few days together with him,” she said to the crowd who never took their seats while she spoke. “He was able to fellowship with his sons and his daughters. He was able to take pictures with them.”

Violent Protests Ignite Prayer Movement in Chile

Educational strikes in Chile may have lulled in violence, but they are far from over.

One article reports that 20 students from various high schools in Chile are currently on a hunger strike, prepared to forgo their academic year and their health for the cause.

Thousands of high school and university students have been demanding radical changes to the educational system in Chile for the past several months. Over the last two weeks, peaceful protests turned violent as students attempted to takeover a TV station to broadcast their concerns, lit fire to buildings and led police to bring tear gas into crowds to quell protests. According to the BBC News, damages to public and private property have now reached $2 million.

Greg Laurie Expects 12,000 Salvations in 2011 Crusades

What do a pastor, a young pro-surfer, and a 94-year-old former Olympian and WW II vet have in common? This past weekend, each one of them—Greg Laurie, Bethany Hamilton, and Louis Zamperini—spoke to crowds gathered at Angel Stadium for the 2011 Anaheim Harvest about their shared faith in Jesus Christ.

Hosted by more than 215 churches, from Riverside to Irvine to Temecula, the Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie marked its 22nd year of evangelistic outreach in Orange County, Calif. with a three-night event, Friday through Sunday (Aug. 12–14).

The 2011 Anaheim Harvest drew a diverse crowd of 115,000 people from 34 states and 11 countries, all of whom gathered to listen to top Christian music from artists like Kutless, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Battistelli, Jars of Clay, Red and Phil Wickham, and to hear the faith stories of Hamilton and Zamperini. But most important was the message of salvation presented by Riverside, Calif. pastor and evangelist Laurie each evening.

Missionary Attacked While Preaching Gospel in Asia

 Three Bible college students and a missionary leader were severely beaten in Asia.

Kamik Sandbahor, who serves on the staff of the Gospel for Asia state office, was leading a team of students from a local Bible college as they visited villagers in a rural community. Kamik, Jatrinda, Ajmal and Sanjavin were handing out Christian literature when they were attacked by a gang of about 25 young men wielding iron rods and sticks.

Christians Exonerated of Offending Muslims

A court in Bangladesh on Thursday exonerated two Christians along with four Muslim friends accused of “hurting religious sensibility.”

Nurul Islam, another Christian and their Muslim friends were cleared of the charge after police failed to provide documentation of any evidence against them, an attorney said.

In March, Christians under the direction of the Way of Peace movement had arranged a two-day health camp offering free treatment to poor villagers in Damurhuda area in Chuadanga district, some 210 kilometers (126 miles) northwest of Dhaka.

Around 100 villagers attended the camp for free treatment the first day, March 23, and a Japanese doctor treated them. But two of the Christian organizers and their Muslim friends were arrested on March 24 under Section 54 of the penal code, a special power granted to police to arrest anyone on any suspicion.
