Pastor’s Father Beaten Unconscious in Extremist Attack

Hindu extremists in Pratapgarh, Rajasthan have threatened to kill a pastor after beating his family and violating an agreement to stop attacking them, the pastor said.

Pastor Shantilal Ninama of Believers Church told Compass that the Hindu extremists beat his 65-year-old father until he fell unconscious in one of the attacks last month.

On the evening of June 8, after agreeing to do no further harm to Pastor Ninama and his family in exchange for him dropping police charges he’d filed over a previous attack, the enraged Hindu extremists stormed into his home and began beating and stoning his father, sister, wife and three children, he said. As he sought police help, his father fell unconscious and his wife and two of his children ran out into the darkness. Another daughter hid beneath a bed, and his sister escaped and hid in a valley.

Missionaries Arrested on Bogus Charges in India

Two Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries in India were arrested over the weekend. One was released later that same day, but the other remains behind bars.

Pastor Accused of Being Member of Rebel Group
Rahul Akkunj was arrested on Saturday and is charged with being a member of a well-known rebel group. Rahul is not part of the group. Rather, he is the pastor of a church in the village where he was arrested.

The allegations came after a fasting and prayer meeting Rahul led at his church. Several villagers who heard about the event were distressed, saying that if Rahul’s church continues to grow at the rate it has been, their traditional religion will be wiped out.

Italian Leaders Unite to Support Israel

As current threats develop in Israel, citizens of the Jewish State can expect support from Italian leaders.

Political leaders from the Italian Senate, along with representatives from civil society and faith communities, gathered in the Italian Senate building on Thursday to express their support for Israel in the midst of a new Gaza flotilla, a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state in September and other forms of delegitimization of the Jewish State.

“Our Western democracies will not prevail unless we re-embrace our Judeo-Christian heritage,” said Marcello Pera, former president of the Italian Senate, as he expressed the Italian sentiment well. “Our support for Israel should not be based on guilt, but rather on pride in our common roots and values.

Jersey Man Double-Crossed for Displaying Faith

Double-crossed. That’s how you might describe a Christ follower in Livingston, N.J. who’s getting flack for displaying his faith in his own front yard.

The Township of Livingston is using a local ordinance against Patrick Racaniello to try to keep him from displaying crosses on his private property.

In April, Racaniello displayed a 31-by-19-inch wooden cross on a tree in his front yard to celebrate Lent. When an irate neighbor screamed objections about the cross at him and his family, Racaniello called the police.

Although the law should have been on his side, the call backfired on him. The police later ordered him to remove the cross because it was located on a tree within eight feet from the curb. Racaniello complied and instead built a 6-by-4-foot wooden cross and put it in his yard—nine feet from the curb.

Perry’s Prayer Event Leaders Respond to Critics

Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn’t the only one getting slammed for his Day of Prayer and Fasting. Some Christian leaders participating in The Response are also getting hammered—or at least questioned—about their participation.

Now, they are answering back.

The Houston Clergy Council, an interfaith coalition of religious leaders, is among the detractors. The group opposes The Response because it believes the prayer meeting violates separation of church and state. The group is also calling the event “non-inclusive” and protests the AFA’s involvement.

The Houston Clergy Council wrote on its website: “We ask that Rick Perry leave the ministry to us and refocus his energy on the work of governing our state.”

Persecuted Christian Recounts Holy Land Drama

“This is a holy land—you have no business being here.” “You’re a bad man.” “You are dirty.” “You are a demon.”

I wish I could say that when I heard these words, my first response was to love the six men who were walking, just feet behind me, spitting the insults. But indignation and anger were welling up inside, and the biblical injunctions to pray for and bless those who persecute you offered only momentary comfort.

The men following a friend and me in the Jerusalem suburb of Mevasseret Zion were supporters of Yad L’Achim, a far right-wing group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who oppose Christians in Israel. The group is known for the aggressive and often questionable tactics they use against people who follow Christ, whom they derisively call “missionaries.” The six men had all attended a protest outside the home of a Jewish couple the group had so identified.

Disaster Victim Overcomes Struggle to Accept Christ

“I believe. I believe.”

Marilyn Sides thought she had heard everything. But as those whispers grew louder, she could hardly believe her own ears.

In the six years since her first Billy Graham Rapid Response Team deployment (Katrina in 2005), Sides has had the privilege of leading many storm survivors to Christ and has experienced deep heartache, praying for those who have lost everything.

But along came Leonia, and Sides’ view of how the Holy Spirit works may never quite be the same.

Pro-LIfe Leader Joe Mortimer Passes at 80

Joseph E. Mortimer Jr., the longtime, iconic, pro-life activist leader who founded and served as publisher of the Voices for the Unborn newspaper for nearly three decades, passed away on Friday at the age of 80. VFTU has subscribers and distributors nationwide and in 11 countries.

Mortimer served as host of the Voices for the Unborn radio and TV programs. He also compiled and published a directory of 6,000 pro-life organizations.

Messianic Christians Accused of Converting Minor in Israel

A hard-line Jewish ultra-Orthodox group in Israel is taking aim at a couple it claims is manipulating minors into becoming Christians. The group, Yad L’Achim, singles out Jewish Christians, known as Messianic Jews, for harassment and abuse.

Yad L’Achim this week placed leaflets around the home of Serge and Naama Kogen, 37 and 42 respectively, in Mevasseret Zion, a suburban community located just west of Jerusalem.

Someone took out a full-page ad in a local newspaper the same week, giving the couple’s address and telling residents they were part of a missionary group “targeting” the community. The Kogens are native Israelis and hence not part of any missionary group.

Schuller Ousted From Crystal Cathedral Ministries

The Rev. Robert H. Schuller has been ousted from Crystal Cathedral Ministries, The Orange County Register reports.

Schuller, 84, who began his ministry in an Orange, Calif., drive-in theater more than 50 years ago, was voted off the board of the Crystal Ministries, which has been plagued by financial problems and familial discord, according to the paper.

Schuller’s son, who was forced from the board three years ago, says his father wanted to enlarge the board, a move that did not sit well with others.

Marilyn Hickey Celebrates 80th Birthday

Marilyn Hickey has turned 80—and she’s looking for a new beginning.

Hickey is the founder of Marilyn Hickey Ministries. In 1976, God gave her a verse of Scripture that defined her mission: “The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9, ESV). God called her to “cover the earth with is Word” and that’s just what she’s been faithfully doing for the past 35 years.

“I feel like in my 80th year my best years are ahead. And I am not retiring … What would I do? I don’t play golf, I don’t like television, shopping is not that big a deal,” Hickey said on her daily broadcast. “I’m telling you, people, souls, healings, miracles, nations are a big deal … In my 70s I had my biggest meetings, so I am saying, what’s going to happen at 80? We have so many people to reach, so much to do. God is so good to me. I just want to reach people with His Word. And again, living the Word will unlock the miraculous all around the world.”

Shouwang Church Member Faces Job Dismissal

In a disturbing new development in the 12-week long Shouwang Church clash with Chinese authorities, a church member who is employed by U.S.-based Christian humanitarian group World Vision is facing dismissal for her participation in Shouwang’s outdoor worship attempts, ChinaAid reports.

In the 12 weeks since Shouwang Church lost its meeting site and decided to hold its Sunday worship services outdoors, Chinese authorities have tried many different ways to try to get the church members to desist. These have included police detention, house arrest, eviction, loss of jobs, and being escorted out of Beijing and returned to one’s hometown.

The World Vision action was just one of at least four new cases in the past week of persecution against a Shouwang Church member.

Police handed over detained Shouwang Church member Chuan Liang to the Shandong Provincial Government, which has escorted him from Beijing to his hometown in coastal Shandong province.

Eddie Long Accuser Arrested on Dope Dealing, Gun Charges

One of the four men who accused Bishop Eddie Long of sexual misconduct was arrested this week in Florida on suspicion of being a drug dealer.

Jamal Parris, 24, was driving a white 2011 BMW in Miami Beach Tuesday evening, when a Florida Highway Patrol officer noticed that it had no tags.

Sgt. Seth Dubinsky stopped the car. When he approached it, he smelled marijuana, he told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Thursday.

Fighting Human Trafficking in Ukraine

Human trafficking is out of control in Ukraine.

More Ukrainian men, women and children have been trafficked abroad and forced into indentured labor or prostitution than in any other Eastern European country since the Soviet collapse.

EFCA’s Reach Global missionary Amy Richey says traffickers target the most vulnerable: “The most vulnerable in Ukrainian society today are kids currently living on the streets, and/or kids that are just coming out of the orphanages. Fifty percent to 60 percent end up in some sort of a trafficked situation.”

Minnesota School District Bullied to Adopt Pro-Homosexual Curricula

You’ve heard of bullies harrasing kids in the schoolyard, but how about the gay agenda bullying schools? That’s what’s happening in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District.

The Southern Poverty Law Center and National Center for Lesbian Rights sent a letter to the school district last month threatening a federal lawsuit if the district does not repeal a policy that requires staff to remain neutral on “sexual orientation.”

The groups actually expect the district to mandate that students and staff attend training “to prevent bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity,” and inject “issues related to LGBT people” into the curriculum.

The question is, who is bullying who? The Alliance Defense Fund is getting in the middle.

Southern Baptists Support Gay Marriage, Hoax Claims

An elaborate hoax Tuesday claimed that the Southern Baptist Convention was on the verge of formally supporting “gay marriage” and repenting of its stance on homosexuality, and the hoax backed up the false claim with a press release, phone number and website.

The stunt was pulled off by a group calling itself the Center for Responsible Christian Living, but the group didn’t identity itself until later in the day and only after one major Catholic blog had posted the release as legitimate.

The blog soon pulled it. No major media outlet reported the news as real. Several media members, in fact, called the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee to make sure officials knew of the hoax.

Poland Parliament Set to Vote on Abortion Exceptions

Polish citizens are fighting back against abortion.

A bill that removes exceptions from the nation’s abortion laws and provides total protection for preborn children from the moment of conception is set for a parliamentary vote this week.

A citizen-led initiative drive worked to get the issue on the ballot. Sponsors were required to collect 100,000 signatures over the course of three months. The grassroots effort reportedly collected 600,000 signatures in just two weeks.
