Youssef: Every Issue is a Moral Issue

CNN’s Jack Cafferty has advice for the GOP: Park your morality at the door.

On June 14, Cafferty expressed surprise that, in the previous night’s presidential debate, “social issues—like abortion, gay marriage, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’—still manage to work their way into the conversation. And that may prove to be a problem for Republicans. … These are not the issues that middle America is worried about. They would like to be able to find a job.”

I submit that these so-called “social issues” mean more to “middle America” than Cafferty realizes. We call them “moral issues.” To us, abortion is the slaughter of innocent human life, on a moral level with genocide or the slave trade.

What Cafferty doesn’t understand is that every issue is a moral issue. The current bad economy didn’t just happen. It was the direct result of immoral choices made by our leaders.

Jackson: Gay Marriage is Not a Civil Rights Issue

We are witnessing the precipitous decline of our traditional value system in America. Upholding the sanctity of marriage as God intended, ‘between one man and one woman’ is one of the bedrock principles of our nation.

While I have compassion and pray for those who choose to lead a homosexual lifestyle, New York’s decision to allow same sex people to marry is another government sledge hammer used to shatter our Judeo-Christian culture.

As a black American, proud of our Civil Rights progress, I speak for most black citizens when I say it is offensive that sexual preference has been elevated to the equivalent of a racial characteristic such as skin color. The two could not be more dissimilar.
