The Peace of Jerusalem

Without question Israel, and its capital city, Jerusalem, are of paramount importance in the plans and purposes of God. And we know God uses believers to work with Him in prayer for the carrying out of His plans, His mysteries, on the earth (see 1 Cor. 14:2).

That’s why He commands us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Ps. 122:6, NKJV). But this does not mean we are to pray simply for the absence of war. It also means we are to pray for Jerusalem to fulfill its prophetic destiny.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Obama ‘Share’ Quest for Peace in Middle East

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded positively to U.S. President Barack Obama’s address from Cairo to the Muslim world on Thursday, voicing hope that the speech would foster reconciliation between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

“The government of Israel expresses hope that President Obama’s important speech will lead to a new period of reconciliation between the Arab and Muslim world, and Israel. We share Obama’s hope that the American effort will bring about an end to the conflict and to pan-Arab recognition of Israel as the Jewish state,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement.

The Fate of Israel Is in Your Hands

Paul tells us in Romans 11:13-15, “Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I make much of my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them. For if their rejection [of Jesus] is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?”

In other words, when the Jewish People rejected God’s salvation, the doors to His kingdom opened wide to every nation on earth. If this happened when they rejected Messiah, imagine how much more wonderful it will be when they accept Him! Clearly their acceptance is an important key in bringing about His return.

Become a Watchman

There seems to be a presumptuous triumphalism affecting-rather, infecting-the Western church, especially in America. This attitude, based on poor theology and ignorance of history, causes believers either to be unaware of or to deny outright the existing crisis regarding the future of Christianity in the face of jihadist Islam.

Proof texts such as “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” are thrown about as we seek to convince ourselves that America is immune to the persecution already prevailing against Christian brothers and sisters around the world because of Islam. We forget that there are many, many places (such as Turkey) where Christianity once flourished but where today Islam exerts total control.

Terrorism in Israel

Yonatan Eldar was barely 16 years old, but he chanted from the Torah (the biblical scrolls) beautifully on that Sabbath day in March, in the ancient melodic tradition that so many religious Jews continue to this day. I remember seeing his smiling face beaming with pride as the older congregants congratulated him warmly.

The Eldar family lives around the corner from us in Shiloh, Israel, on a street that could be called Terror Victims’ Row due to the high concentration of child terror victims who lived there.

10 Ways to Bless Israel

Many Christians have a love for Israel and are eager to visit the nation. But often their dreams don’t stretch beyond touring the sites that have biblical significance for both Jews and Christians and perhaps taking photographs of them. However, there are numerous ways visitors can be a blessing to Israel, interact with the people and leave something of themselves behind when they travel there. Here are 10 of them.

Healing Hands at Hadassah

While I was in Israel in late March, I took time away from my tour schedule to visit Hadassah Medical Center. I’m glad I did. Hadassah was founded in 1918 and is the second largest employer in Jerusalem. But what impressed me the most were the stories I heard about the hospital long before I arrived in Israel.

Fighting for the Soul of America

Last weekend America celebrated Memorial Day as a time to honor all military personnel who have given the last full measure of devotion for the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, America is at war! We are at war with a radical religious element of Islam that feels they have a mandate from their god (Allah) to kill Christians and Jews.

I feel America is in the greatest danger as a nation that we have known since 1776. The elements that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor are all alive and well in Washington, D.C. and the nation.

Understanding Pentecost

Fifty days after leaving Egypt, the Israelites gathered at Mt. Sinai to hear God proclaim the Torah or Law to them. The sight was awesome and provoked considerable fear in the hearts of all those gathered there, so much so that they asked Moses to speak with God on their behalf (Exodus 19:10-25; 20:18-21).

The lessons for us are clear:

Jewish Facilities Target of Terror Plot in New York

The four men arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to bomb a Jewish community center and a synagogue in Bronx, New York, have been charged with “conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in the United States” and “conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles,” CNN reported.

According to a criminal complaint filed in White Plains, New York, U.S. citizen David Williams, James Cromitie, Onta Williams, and Laguerre Payen from Haiti, met with an undercover FBI informant to get what they thought were actual weapons. The men alledgedly planned to blow up two Jewish facilities and use surface-to-air missles to shoot down U.S. military planes.

How to Plan Your Own Ultimate Israel Pilgrimage

What if it were possible to travel back in time to ancient Jerusalem, where Jesus made His triumphal entry into the city? Or to take Holy Communion in the Garden Tomb where Christ was once buried? For many Christians, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is only a dream.

But it doesn’t have to be! With the economy forcing some airline companies to lower prices, consumers like you and me are reaping the benefits.

Do the Palestinians Deserve a State?

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just had his first meeting with President Barack Obama. The two Obama issues, however, are non-issues for the Netanyahu government: talking to Iran and a fast track toward a Palestinian state.

The Obama government is trying to make things move in the Middle East and there are fears this will come at Israel’s expense – even if it means bringing down Netanyahu’s government.

America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for one hour on Monday to discuss mutual concerns for their respective nations.

Their private meeting went 30 minutes longer than planned. Then, top advisors joined both men for another hour of talks. Finally, reporters were invited in for a half hour question and answer session. Their time together ended with the prime minister, the president and their staffs having lunch in the “old family dining room.”

I know that both nations will do their best to put their best “spin” on this historic meeting calling it productive. However, the spokesman on ABC television made a stark and truthful comment when he said, “This is the parting of the ways of this administration and the Israeli government.”

Pope Calls for ‘Sovereign’ Palestinian State in Bethlehem Tour

Continuing his week-long pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday called for a “sovereign Palestinian homeland” and identified with Palestinian “suffering” during a one-day visit to Bethlehem and other parts of the West Bank.

The pontiff stood alongside Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as he delivered his strongest public support yet for Palestinian statehood.

“Mr. President, the Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at peace with its neighbors, within internationally recognized borders,” the pontiff said. “I know how much you have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the turmoil that has afflicted this land for decades,” he added.

New Film Exposes Growth of Radical Islam on American Soil

islamThe Clarion Fund released its newest documentary film, The Third Jihad, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. this week. The film is igniting discussion about radical Islam in America.

Clarion’s first documentary film, the award-winning Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, communicates the global threat posed by the radical elements of Islam. The Third Jihad shifts the focus to the growth of radical Islam on American soil via “Cultural Jihad,” the use of the democratic system to transform the American way of life from within to a society governed by Sharia Law (Islamic religious law).

Users Visit Holy Land on Facebook

In an effort to help Internet users discover Israel’s holy places and modern sites, the Consulate General of Israel in New York has released a Facebook application of the Holy Land.

Holy Land Trivia: From Creation to Creativity, offers a pictorial encounter with many significant places in Israel, and gives users the opportunity to share newly-gained knowledge with Facebook friends.

The application, designed to appeal to users of all backgrounds and especially to Christians, contains three multiple-choice quizzes about different locations of interest throughout Israel. The questions cover knowledge on holy sites in Israel, modern Israel, and a combination of the two.
