Sue Ten Eyck: For Zion’s Sake

As leaders with a passion to be a part of God’s kingdom coming here on earth as it is in heaven, it is vital that we see the kingdom of God that is within us (Luke 17:21) coming as well. This happens as we come into His presence.

It’s one of the things I love about the tabernacle of David; that place where we come into His presence in worship and intercession; the flowing of harp and bowl (Rev. 5:8). 

We must become a house of prayer if we desire to see the house of prayer raised up in our generation—His kingdom coming on the earth and His kingdom coming in us.

Daily, we can and must come into that place of His presence. In worship, we are able to see Him more and more as He really is. We turn our hearts to hear His Word. 

We bow down and receive mercy, grace, power and instruction. We can’t help but then pray and call out those things that He has just shown us, those things that are filled with His purpose and pleasure. 

We are overflowing with faith and His greater truths for all that we are praying. We can’t help but then worship as we, too, are filled with His purpose and pleasure. Oh to know Him more. But as His church there is a corporate element for us in the tabernacle of David as well, especially as leaders and especially in the day in which we are living. 

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