The Most Important City on Earth

I love Jerusalem! I love it because it’s a beautiful city and because it is where Messiah taught, laid down His life for the sins of mankind, and was resurrected, triumphing over death. It is the city of the great kings David and Solomon, and the place where the prophets and other great Bible heroes came to worship God in the temple.

From a human perspective, Jerusalem would not rank as one of the world’s most important cities. Even when biblical history was being written in Jerusalem’s streets, the city was not as significant as Alexandria, Rome or Athens.

Still, 3,000 years after King David’s reign, most of the world’s population believes that Jerusalem is the most important city on earth. There is only one possible reason: It is important to God and to His plans for the last days.

Organizations Offer Help and Hope in the Holy Land

It’s easy for a Hollywood celebrity to stand next to a starving child, stare into a video camera and remind us that children are our future. It’s much more difficult to nourish that child—on a regular basis—with enough food, clothing and education to help him grow up and truly shape the future.

The same principle applies to caring for widows, immigrants, the impoverished and other people groups who, for various reasons, need assistance for a better life. In Israel, dozens of organizations have been birthed specifically to reach this swelling segment of the Jewish population. Amid the politics of the most contested land in human history, the following five humanitarian aid organizations have dedicated themselves to being a consistent presence in the Holy Land to shape a brighter tomorrow for the next generation of Jews.

Christians Show Support for Israel on Capitol Hill

Thousands of Christians met in Washington, D.C., to do what some say the Obama administration has been reluctant to do: stand unwaveringly with Israel.

Roughly 4,500 people gathered in late July for the fifth annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit, where they lobbied lawmakers to maintain the nation’s historic support for Israel and declared their solidarity with the Jewish state.

“Israel’s enemies are our enemies; Israel’s fight is our fight,” CUFI founder John Hagee (pictured) told the crowd at the Night to Honor Israel event. “If a line has to be drawn, then let it be drawn around both of us: Christians and Jews, Americans and Israelis.”

In Defense of Faith

In his forthcoming book In Defense of Faith: The Judeo-Christian Idea and the Struggle for Humanity, David Brog takes aim at the media, from Hollywood to cable news political pundits, who claim “religion is the root of all violence in the world.”

Brog, the executive director of Christians United for Israel founded by John Hagee, defends faith-based values of human rights and justice among many, and those who gave rise to their existence from Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement to Bono’s campaign to end AIDS in Africa.

3 Ways to Pray for Israel

The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. In doing so, we not only invoke God’s blessing and protection over His chosen people; we also secure our own well-being. Ray Wilkerson of Maoz Israel, a Messianic ministry in the Holy Land, says Jewish believers in Yeshua are often persecuted for their faith. But Christians around the world can affect change in the nation if we petition God for Zion’s sake. To discover three ways to pray for Israel, listen to the podcast below.

The Secret Blessing

In Genesis 13, Lot chose selfishly and moved his family to the choicest land-near the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, whose inhabitants sinned greatly. Abram, Lot’s uncle, generously let him go; and for his generosity, God blessed Abram and allowed him to settle his family in a safe area.

Later, God used Abram to rescue Lot from the evil cities before He destroyed them. Abram learned the blessings of being generous and following God’s plan.

We often think of giving as being limited to money or things. We need to give our time or talents to the Lord as well. The abilities the Lord has given you can be offered as a special gift.

The Jewish People Need Our Help

In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: ‘”I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'”

In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has showered His blessings on me. That is why we have set up the “Bless Israel” fund through Christian Life Missions.

Over the last several years through Christian Life Missions and friends like you, we have helped buy an ambulance for Israel; helped rebuild a war-torn city near the Lebanese border; and provided bomb shelters near the Gaza Strip where Kassam rockets from Hamas rain terror on Israeli citizens who had no where to run and hide.

Where Did Christianity Come From?

Christianity would not exist if it weren’t for the Jewish people. I know this concept flies in the face of the anti-Semitic poison that has filled the mouths of church leaders for centuries. But it’s true: Christian values we now hold dear are rooted in theology practiced by the Israelites for thousands of years before Christianity was ever in the picture. Their contributions are the bedrock of our very faith.

It’s essential for anti-Semites to separate Jesus from His Jewish roots. If you do that, then hatred becomes fashionable and anti-Semitism becomes a Christian virtue. If Jesus can be separated from His Jewish roots, then Christians can continue to praise the dead Jews of the past such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, while snubbing the Goldbergs across the street.

Pray for Zion

As we think of our Jewish brethren, we wonder how they missed seeing the Messiah clearly presented in the prophets, the psalms and even the Pentateuch. The only explanation is what Paul speaks clearly about in Romans. The Jewish people have a veil over their eyes that has been placed there by God. Should we pray for this veil to be dropped if this is God’s will? The answer to this is a resounding yes.

Let’s Help the Jewish People

In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: ‘”I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'”

In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has showered His blessings on me. That is why we have set up the “Bless Israel” fund through Christian Life Missions.

Discovering Ancient Israel

In biblical times, a winepress represented joy, singing and rejoicing. Farmers would harvest their grapes, place them in a pit hewed from a rock called a winepress, and crush the fruit to get the juice. They would use the grape juice to make wine and serve it at weddings, dinner and other gatherings. But according to Isaiah, the winepress is also symbolic of God’s wrath. To learn more about the ancient winepress, click below to watch the video.

U.S. Churches Unite With Israel

More than 1,500 churches from a variety of denominations showed their solidarity with Israel during a special service Sunday.

On the second annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Sunday, congregations prayed for the peace of Jerusalem and pastors dedicated their sermons to explaining why Christians should support the Jewish nation. Organized by Texas pastor John Hagee, founder of CUFI, the event drew participants from all 50 states and 50 nations.

When Archeology Meets Biblical History

On the second day of my trip to Israel last year, I toured Caesarea, an ancient port built by King Herod. There I saw ruins of a centuries-old vomitoruim (my tour guide, Tison Ben David, explains the meaning of the name in the clip) and a reconstructed Roman theater. When archeology meets biblical history, the Bible not only comes to life, but we also develop a greater understanding of God’s plan for mankind. Watch the video below.

Conference Focuses on Israel’s Legal Rights to Land

Participants from three continents gathered in San Remo, Italy, Sunday to mark the 90th anniversary of the signing of a resolution that created a legal foundation for Israel’s statehood.

Deputy Speaker of Israel’s Knesset Danny Danon and Italian Member of Parliament Fiamma Nirenstein were among those who returned to the site where the Allied powers of World War I signed the San Remo Resolution on April 25, 1920.

The Cost of Friendship

When I first moved to a country community in Israel, I remember seeing an Arab man named Abdul helping the Jewish people with a variety of tasks. He was well liked by everyone on the Moshav, especially by my landlord who hired him. He was very personable, always laughing and joking with the people, but also a hard worker.

Abdul was invited into many Jewish homes for meals and was treated as family by many of them. I thought this was so wonderful, but unfortunately it is not so common in Israel anymore.

A Diplomatic Double Standard

Earlier this month, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, lashed out at the United States. Although it is widely reported that Karzai won his re-election by fraud, he made the absurd claim that the international community was to blame for any voting irregularities. Though Karzai owes his power entirely to the U.S. and allied troops fighting the Taliban for him, he dared to criticize his defenders.

Dance Unto the Lord

It’s true that when I went to Israel last year, I “walked where Jesus walked,” sailed the Sea of Galilee and ate wonderful cuisine. But more importantly, I worshiped Jesus in song and dance. The music was unfamiliar to me, but the Holy Spirit’s presence was evident in the praises I offered up to God. Want to worship Him Messianic style? Click below to watch a video of Gethsemane Ministries.

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