The New Jerusalem

The passages of Scripture in Revelation 21:1-27, should cause our hearts to leap. If you know your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you can look forward to living in the New Jerusalem.

The description of this holy city is mind boggling, but I believe every word of it. Yes, we will walk streets of gold, and there will be gates made of pearl. There will be no need of the sun or the moon because the light will emanate from the glory of God.

Responding to Rabbinic Judaism

When we are filled with the Spirit and our faith is centered on Yeshua, on all that He has done and will do for us, a wonderful transformation takes place: We are endowed with a renewed mind which can weigh viewpoints, practices, and philosophies (see Rom. 12:2).

In this regard, when we reflect on that huge corpus of literature known as rabbinic literature—and I include in this the prayer books—we are filled with what I would call profound ambivalence. What do I mean by this term?

A Personal Response to Rabbinic Judaism

As a young leader in the Messianic Jewish movement, I devoted myself to working my way through the Talmud, the primary multi-volume corpus of the application of Jewish Law. I was also taking a course in Jewish worship at Spertus College of Judaic that concentrated on the prayer books.

Lessons From the Jewish Temple

Scripture tells us that man is God’s temple (see 1 Cor. 3:16). In order to fully understand this analogy, we must recall the division of the Jewish temple into three parts.

There was its exterior, seen by all men, with the outer court, into which every Israelite might enter, and where all the external religious service was performed. There was the holy place, into which alone the priests might enter, to present to God the blood or the incense, the bread or the oil that they had brought from without.

Sudanese Refugees Find Shelter at Messianic Ministry

genocide staged by Sudan’s Islamist regime keeps topping
the lists of contemporary disasters. Some 3.5 million South Sudanese Christians
and animists have been killed in a brutal “conversion” campaign that has lasted
more than 25 years. Millions have fled their homes, seeking shelter from
starvation, slavery and violent death.

But among the desert mountains across which Moses fled with another persecuted
people long ago some of these Sudanese believers have found refuge in a place
aptly named The Shelter.

Jerusalem’s Prophetic Destiny

Without question Israel and its capital city, Jerusalem, are of
paramount importance in the plans and purposes of God. And we know God uses
believers to work with Him in prayer for the carrying out of His plans, His
mysteries, on the earth (see 1 Cor. 14:2).

That’s why He commands us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”
(Ps. 122:6, NKJV). But this does not mean we are to pray
simply for the absence of war. It also means we are to pray for Jerusalem to
fulfill its prophetic destiny.

Being Ready for the Bridegroom

We used to lead a “Lamp Lighters” group when my husband was in the army. The children in this group were junior high age, and I loved hearing them sing, “Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning till the break of day.”

This story of the ten virgins is about being ready for the Lord’s return. One has to understand the Jewish betrothal customs to receive the full impact of what is being conveyed in this passage.

Israeli Company Discovers Oil Near Tel Aviv

An oil exploration company has announced that it has found “significant quantities” of oil in Israel, buoying hopes that natural resources are prevalent in the Holy Land and could enable Israel to become energy independent.

An Israeli company, the Givot Olam Oil Exploration Limited Partnership, announced in December that it found oil at its drill site in Rosh Ha’Ayin, about 10 miles inland from the Tel Aviv coastline. Gas was also found during the drill.

Israel Needs Your Help

In Genesis 12:3, God makes a promise to Abraham: ‘”I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'”

In my own life I have seen proof of this promise; when I have blessed Israel and the Jewish people, God has showered His blessings on me. That is why we have set up the “Bless Israel” fund through Christian Life Missions.

Victory in the Senate

Both houses of Congress have finally acted to employ the toughest economic sanctions at our disposal to stop Iran from going nuclear.

Last Thursday, the U.S. Senate passed the Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act, which combines Christians United for Israel’s two top legislative priorities into one bill.

Is There an Identity Crisis Among Gentile Believers?

As we walked past the Egyptian exhibit in the Museum of Art History in Vienna, I noted the great importance placed upon memorials for the dead. The wealthy took great pains to prepare proper tombs and memorials. Embalming to preserve the body was of prime importance. Why did the Egyptians do this? 

It was a way of declaring significance in the face of death. Human beings want to believe they are significant in the scheme of things.

When Jews and Muslims Worship Together

Bob Roberts Jr., pastor of NorthWood Church in Keller, Texas, isn’t afraid of venturing into unfamiliar territories. In the mid-1990s, Roberts began making trips to Vietnam with teams from his church to pioneer medical, educational and orphanage-related work. After 9/11, he traveled to Afghanistan, the Palestinian territories and other Muslim-dominated regions to establish similar works.

Goldstone Report of Israel ‘Flawed, Biased, Unwarranted’

The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) Tuesday filed a comprehensive response with the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) challenging the objectivity of the UNHRC-sponsored Goldstone Report on Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza last year.

The UNHRC authorized a Fact-Finding Mission with a resolution that called for an investigation of “all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the occupying Power, Israel, against the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, due to the current aggression.”

What the Church Needs to Know About Israel

While flying to Israel for the first time last year, I wondered what the country was really like. My daily dose of cable and network news made me think I was about to encounter some unfriendly people. But nothing could have been further from the truth. What the church needs to know about Israel can’t be found in a nightly newscast; it can be found in the Words of the Person who created it. Let’s open our Bibles and get to reading. Watch the video below.

New Year, Old Problems

Missiles are fired from Gaza into southern Israel. Iran is steadily marching toward the production of nuclear weapons. And Hezbollah and Hamas are smuggling and stockpiling arms. Welcome to 2010. This may be a new year, but Israel’s problems remain largely the same as last year’s, and the year before.

The persistence of Israel’s problems can tempt us toward two equally troubling reactions. The first reaction is to grow weary. There are no quick fixes in Israel. No easy answers. Who knew that standing with Israel would be so hard and take so long?

Love Your Enemies

When I was in a concentration camp during World War II,
we had to stand every day for two or three hours for roll call, often
in the icy-cold wind. Once a woman guard used these hours to
demonstrate her cruelty. I could hardly bear to see and hear what
happened in front of me.

Suddenly a skylark started to sing high in the sky. We
all looked up, and when I looked to the sky and listened to its song, I
looked still higher and thought of Psalm 103:11: “For as the heavens
are high above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those
who fear Him” (RSV).

When Jews Assimilate Into the Christian Faith

In the early 1970s, a significant number of Jews committed their lives to Yeshua and came to the conviction that they should call themselves Messianic Jews rather than Christians. There were several reasons for this. One was the history of institutional Christianity and its impact on the Jewish people.

From a Jewish perspective, Christianity was a movement of semi-paganism, oppression and anti-Semitism. We wanted to project ourselves in such a way that the Jewish people would take another look at Yeshua without the barriers of their pre-formed perceptions of Christianity.

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