4 Reasons You Should Care About the End Times


Let’s be honest—talking about the end times can feel overwhelming, even scary. But bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado wants us to look at it differently: with hope and trust in Jesus Christ. In a recent message, Lucado laid out why we should care about the end times and what Scripture tells us is coming next.

“Why should we care about the end times?” Lucado asks. “That’s the question we will answer today.” His answer? There are four key reasons, and they matter now more than ever.

1. We’re All Heading Somewhere

If you’ve ever wondered what the future holds, the Bible gives us clear direction. “When we look at what Scripture says about the future, we can say with confidence that the end of this age will be all about hope and all about Him—Jesus Christ.” The future isn’t about fear; it’s about knowing where we’re going.

2. We’ve Reached the Fourth Quarter of Human History

Lucado describes our current moment in history as the final stretch. The world is changing rapidly, and if you feel like things are speeding up, you’re not alone. “We’ve reached the fourth quarter of human history,” he explains. While we don’t know the exact time of Christ’s return, Scripture makes it clear that history is moving toward a climactic moment.

3. Paradise Is Our Next Stop

For believers, the end times are not something to dread. “Our next stop on our journey toward eternity … is Paradise.” But before that happens, things are going to get difficult. “So far so good, but things are about to get a little rougher, a little tougher,” Lucado says. “Now’s the time to buckle your seatbelt and strap on your safety harness.”

4. A Bad Day Is Coming for the Residents of Earth

Lucado doesn’t sugarcoat it. “Not a ho-hum day. Not an inconvenient day. Not even a mildly aggravating day. In the words of little Alexander from the children’s books, this will be a ‘terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.’”

This bad day begins with the rapture, when “’in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,’ Jesus will gather all living believers to Himself.” Those who have accepted Christ will be transported into His presence.

But what about those left behind? That’s where things take a dark turn. Immediately after the rapture comes a seven-year period of grief and chaos and pain—what the Bible calls the Tribulation. And at the center of this period? The rise of the Antichrist.

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Who Is the Antichrist?

Lucado lays it out clearly: “The Antichrist will be a major player during this period of time. Have you heard that title before? It’s mentioned more than a hundred times in the pages of God’s Word.”

So, what does the Bible say about him?

  • He will be “a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue” (Dan. 8:23).
  • “He will become very strong, but not by his own power.”
  • “He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does.”
  • “He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people.”
  • “He will cause deceit to prosper and will consider himself superior.”

To put it simply, Lucado says, “The Antichrist is quite literally anti-Christ. He is anti-salvation, anti-hope, anti-forgiveness and anti-truth.”

He won’t just be a dictator; he will be a deceiver. “Something will trigger a tsunami of evil, and during a time of immorality and depravity and barbarism and terrorism, he will appear on the world stage.”

The Tribulation is a time of unparalleled suffering. “Are we in that stage of evil?” Lucado asks. “Not yet, but it sure seems to be nearing.”

The Worst Time in Human History

Lucado doesn’t hold back when describing what’s coming. “The final 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation will be the worst stretch of time experienced by humanity at any previous point in civilization.” How bad will it be? According to Jesus Himself:

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened” (Matt. 24:22, NIV).

The book of Revelation describes this time in terrifying detail:

  • Hail and fire mixed with blood.
  • Oceans and rivers incapable of sustaining life.
  • Pestilence and plague.
  • A darkening of the moon and stars.
  • Demonic hordes and festering sores.
  • Woe upon woe.

“This moment in history is often described as the day of the Lord,” Lucado explains. “Thankfully, you and I are presently living in the day of grace.” But that grace won’t last forever.

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Why Should Christians Care?

You might be thinking, “Well, if I’m going to be raptured, why does this matter to me?” Lucado answers that question head-on: “It matters to God.”

  • The Bible gives at least 36 different names for the Tribulation.
  • The majority of the book of Revelation describes it.
  • Jesus dedicated His final sermon to explaining it.

Lucado emphasizes that God is showing us the seriousness of sin. “The Tribulation reminds us that God hates sin. He hates what turns people away from Him and turns people into violent, depraved, self-centered creatures.”

He also warns that some people reading this may experience the Tribulation. “Are you keeping Christ at arm’s length? Are you retaining primary control of your life? If so, God is spelling out the facts of the future to come.”

Lucado doesn’t end with fear; instead, he ends with hope. “A bad day is coming, but believers will be leaving at the Rapture. Will you be on that train?”

He reminds us, “The Tribulation is not your intended destiny, and you do not want to be here when the restrainer is removed and evil runs rampant.”

Don’t be afraid. Simply say yes to God while there’s still time. “Before the night comes.”

It’s a heavy topic, but Lucado leaves us with this final reassurance: “Please remember—it’s all about hope. And it’s all about Him.”

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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