80-Year-Old Woman Harassed for Protest of Trans Person in YMCA Women’s Shower


An elderly Washington state woman who was permanently banned from her local YMCA pool after telling a transgender employee to leave the women’s locker room was harassed by transgender activists at a rally Monday night.

A post by Reduxx Magazine reveals trans activists were screaming “trans rights are human rights” at Julie Jaman of Port Townsend in a video of the incident. The video was tweeted by the Reduxx account.

Amy Sousa of RevFoxxUSA, the organizer of the event, told Fox News “that if it weren’t for the wall behind the backs of Jaman’s supporters, ‘Some real violence would have happened’.”

All kinds of men were assaulting us and crawling between our legs,” she said. “They continued to move in on us closer and closer until we were pinned against the wall. They were touching us and stealing our things, trying to turn off our sounds, trying to disrupt our equipment.”

Perhaps these trans activists need to read Galatians 6:7-8, which says, “Be not deceived. God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh from the flesh will reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life.”

Sousa said at least one member of the group was planning on filing assault charges with local police stemming from the incident.

According to multiple reports, Jaman, 80, had been a member of the Mountain Valley YMCA for 35 years. She reportedly ignited a local firestorm after telling her story to a Seattle radio show host about a July 26 encounter with a transgender employee in the women’s locker room, while she was taking a shower.

Jaman said the employee, a biological male who identifies as female, seemed to be watching young girls change out of their swimsuits.

“I saw a man in a woman’s bathing suit watching maybe four or five little girls pulling down their suits in order to use the toilet,” Jaman recalled. “I asked if he had a penis and he said it was none of my business. I told that man to ‘get out right now.'”

When she confronted the YMCA manager, the manager accused her of discriminating against the employee, was told she couldn’t use the pool anymore and threatened to call the police, according to The Port Townsend Free Press.

Jaman told the outlet that she filed a complaint with the police over the incident.

For the rest of the article, visit our content partners at CBNNews.com.


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