After Coming Out as ‘Queer,’ Disney Channel Darling Names Abortionist as Role Model
Disney Channel’s Girl Meets World star Rowan Blanchard sees Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards as her role model, according to a recent interview with Paper Magazine.
The interview is a one-on-one conversation between the 14-year-old and Richards, discussing why they believe teenage girls should know where their local Planned Parenthood clinic is.
“I think your impact on the Internet has had a huge effect on people my age, because it’s anonymous and it’s safe,” Rowan tells Richards.
Rowan says she’s speaking out because she’s noticed teenage girls have a “deep place of shame about their bodies and everything that they’re taught from a young age.
“I think the new wave of women on social media who are allowing themselves to just be themselves is opening doors for a lot of young girls who wouldn’t otherwise have that kind of affirmation to be allowed to be themselves, which is cool,” Rowan says.
And while the starlet’s attitude may be empowering by the world’s standards, her words raise a red flag for Life Site News‘ Emily Derois.
“Young women and parents alike should find it extremely disconcerting that the 14-year-old actress is looking to Planned Parenthood’s CEO as her role model,” Derois writes. “There are so many inspirational women who defended women and the unborn, women like Mother Teresa and Alice Paul. Cecile Richards makes her living off of aborting future women, and therefore should not be any feminist’s role model.”
Rowan’s Planned Parenthood comments are far from the actress’ first brush with progressive ideals.
In January, the 14-year-old told Twitter followers she identifies as “queer,” even though, “In my life – only ever liked boys.”