Air Force Demands Dedicated Hero ‘Willfully Sin’—Or Else


Note: A highly decorated major in the U.S. Air Force became a stronger Christian through his service to our country. Yet now, Joe Biden’s Department of Defense (DOD) will punish him for his religious convictions.His religious exemption request from taking COVID shots is so powerful that I’m compelled to share portions of it with you. Help us defend this honorable man and the thousands of other military members facing dishonorable discharges.

John was a Christian when he joined the Air Force. But his service over the past 20 years deepened his faith. It was because of the unspeakable things he witnessed in combat that he drew even closer to the Lord.

In one of his combat missions, John shot and killed an enemy insurgent. But shrapnel from his fire also killed a small child. “The grief was unbearable, and still hurts severely today,” John wrote in the religious exemption request he delivered to his commanders last week.

John’s religious exemption request is 16 pages long, single spaced, and is one of the most powerful Christian testimonies I have ever read.

“My cumulative years in Iraq and Afghanistan left me with many scars,” wrote John. “But most relevant to this discussion, they left me with an eternal personal connection to the fact that ‘the Lord hates … hands that shed innocent blood'” (Prov. 6:16-17). John goes on to note that this biblical principle is what “separates us from ISIS, Nazis, and the CCP.”

John was not aware until recently that some vaccines use aborted fetal cell lines in their development. He consulted with experts, including a Ph.D. scientist involved in producing the COVID shots.

What John found turned his stomach. Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, plus Novavax, all used aborted fetal cell lines in their development and/or testing.

“I am personally horrified by that fact and feel unable to partake in them. My conviction on this matter is deeply rooted in my growing life-long personal religious belief in Jesus Christ….”

John’s letter to his superiors quoted more than 30 Scriptures in laying bare his heart and convictions before his command, including James 4:17: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”

John wants to continue serving. But he will not willfully sin.

Liberty Counsel is filing a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense.

We’ve trained over 70 of our affiliate attorneys and hired skilled contract attorneys, yet our core legal staff is still working 18-hour days. We’ve never faced such an avalanche of requests for help! And this season is more challenging because this is life and death for our clients!

Breaking: We are also filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of federal employees and civilian contractors. {eoa}

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