Alex Trebek Tells Autistic Man That ‘God’s Grace’ Will Help the Host Fight Cancer
Jeopardy! Host Alex Trebek surprised a super fan with the phone call of a lifetime.
Michael Kneeter, a 32-year-old man with autism, was crushed when he heard Trebek was battling cancer. Kneeter’s father died from cancer several years ago.
Trebek’s diagnosis caused Kneeter to become depressed and withdrawn. That’s when Debbie Stevens, Kneeter’s mother and a lung cancer survivor, hatched a far-fetched plan to connect Kneeter and Trebek.
“I’m a very driven person,” Stevens said. “I can’t take no for an answer.”
Stevens discovered Trebek’s son Matthew owns a restaurant in New York and called the younger Trebek.
According to CNN:
Stevens kept the conversation light, and Kneeter joined, telling Matthew, “I hope he (his father) feels better.” Stevens was persistent and followed the call with a get-well card she sent via certified mail, this time kindly requesting that Alex Trebek connect with them, as “it would thrill my son.”
A week and a half later, on Oct. 18, Alex Trebek did call—but Stevens was in the bathroom and missed it. He left a voice message:
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