Antifa’s Violent Attack Against Young Conservative Christian Triggers the Supernatural

2022 8 Election Jan6Cooper 1

Note: This is the first of a two-part article.

A young Christian man who believes in election integrity as a pillar of democracy, has come forward to detail how the Holy Spirit gave him supernatural, Samson-like strength when Antifa attacked him viciously in Washington D.C.

The violent, criminal act happened amid what Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules” portrays as suspicions, allegations and evidence of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election.

Still processing how God showed up in the face of evil, Charles R. Downs, the twenty-something, born-again believer who was the victim of this attack by Antifa, has become a poster boy for why voters should walk away from the Democratic Party.

Downs’ story not only exposes the tactics and spiritual atmosphere of the armed, militant wing of the woke, progressive Democrats to try to intimidate conservative Christians, but also affirms that the Holy Spirit empowers people from within in more ways than one in this day and age.

In the days after the November 3, 2020 election, tensions were high in Washington D.C and around the country. Protestors on both sides of the issue were on the streets of the nation’s capital.

Trump supporters wanted their voice and presence to be known publicly that they had concerns about the election results, while left-wing, fascist groups, such as Antifa, were using the public demonstrations as an opportunity to create chaos and, like the Nazis, use intimidation tactics and fear to get their way.

Dressed in a pro-America “MAGA” shirt, Downs was walking down a street in Washington DC with his fiancé, trying to get around the maze of road blockages and reach an Uber pick-up spot, so he could go home after spending the day peacefully in Freedom Plaza.

He and his fiancé were minding their own business, when unexpectedly, he walked right into a crowd of Antifa thugs. When they saw his pro-Trump regalia, they became extremely aggressive and swarmed upon him, like bees in attack mode. Although there were police all over the area, no one came to help Downs. He was on his own.

“The mob walked down the steps, and they separated my fiancé and me, and they sat her down on the sidewalk, basically to make her watch them beat the living daylights out of me,” says Downs in an exclusive interview for Charisma News. “I’ve always had a strong faith in God, growing up in a Christian household in Ohio. But when I was surrounded by that mob, I can’t really explain what came over me, except to point to God.”

“It was more like I was suddenly able to think really, really fast. Seconds became milliseconds. It was something supernatural. Milliseconds became even slower than that. Like time was just moving slow, but it was moving slow in a good way. There was a quickening. Like I could make a decision, a fast decision for my life to be saved.”

The Antifa thugs started to punch Downs with full force and then quickly proceeded to stab him with sharp objects. The physical attacks came from every direction. The mob was merciless, according to him.

But what really struck Downs at first was how he sensed the presence of evil in this mob. It was as if they were controlled by a demonic force. He reports that there was a dead look in their eyes. No matter how much they represent the political party of “tolerance” pushing transgender extremism, abortion and “political correctness,” their demeanor was without love.

“It’s literally good versus evil. When I was in that mob, I looked at not the devil, but I would say I was looking at demonic evil straight in the face” he says. “I could also feel like there was no life in that mob. It was almost like everyone around me didn’t have a soul who was attacking me. You could feel the evil.”

A transformation suddenly happened within the young man. A power that was foreign to him surged within him. It caused him to purpose in his heart a complete surrender to God, allowing Him to strengthen and guide him. He felt as if spiritual lightning was striking at the exact moment that he needed it. In his eyes, God’s timing was perfect.

“I’ve never felt more physically strong than I have ever in my life than when this was happening,” says Downs. “I know people say flight or fight. It wasn’t fight or flight because I’ve experienced fight or flight, like being in a nervous situation. But now this was different. It was like I was operating and moving my body, but, at the same time, I felt like there was someone else watching over me. And I firmly believe to this day that was the Holy Spirit.”

He adds, “It was almost like the biblical story where Paul was getting beat up by the mob, and he made it through, and he just became more determined to push the message out there. God had a reason for me getting out of there alive.”

During the attack, the leftist mob could not get Downs to the ground. He was too strong for them. Then he saw an opening to escape. He was able to slip underneath and grab his fiancé to escape to escape the nightmare.

The video that went viral on social media starts at this point when he was trying to make a daring escape.

“They’re attacking us obviously in the video. I think they grabbed my fiancé in the video to grab her back, not to hurt her. It was more to get me back into the pile, so they could keep piling on me. I was the one who had all the Trump stuff on. And it just didn’t work. Obviously in the video I grabbed her back and, like I said, the strength, I didn’t even know in the moment how I got the strength to pull her back out of that mob.”

Hundreds of police officers were down the street. Downs put his thumb up, trying to get their attention. He wanted the police to come and break up the attack. But they didn’t come.

“All of a sudden, I feel this liquid get tossed on us,” says Downs, his voice quivering. “And it was the most disgusting liquid I think I’ve ever had on my body. It felt very bodily, and I’ll leave it at that. Later on in the day, it was disgusting to take off in the shower. It was all crunchy and stuff. I don’t know what it was exactly.”

“So, we get that thrown on us and we’re still making our way back. I’m just trying to get us back to the police line. I’m yelling and screaming, ‘Please come, come over, come over.’ But nobody came over to help.”

Stay tuned to Charisma News Tuesday for the rest this compelling story. {eoa}

Anthony Hart is a freelance writer for Charisma News.

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