Apostle Fred Berry

Apostle Fred Berry of Azusa Street Mission & Historical Society Dies at 61


Apostle Fred Berry of the Azusa Street Mission & Historical Society died Nov. 16, 2021, at age 61. His wife, Wilma Berry, announced his passing on Facebook, writing below a photo of herself with her husband, “God is Faithful! Hi Family, Thank You for praying with us! My beautiful, funny, loving husband Fred Berry has gone to Heaven today!”

A memorial service celebrating his life and ministry will be held Dec. 4 at Zoe Christian Fellowship in Whittier, California.

Fred, who was reared in a military family, traveled extensively throughout the world, according to the ASMHS website. Saved and filled with the Holy Spirit in 1983, he answered the call to ministry in 1992 and was ordained through the Church of God in Christ Inc. He founded a parachurch organization called Joshua Ministries Inc. In 2004, he and his wife were ordained as an apostle/prophet team with Christian International, founded by Apostle Bill Hamon.

Fred also served as centennial prayer officer on the Azusa Centennial Board, which convened the 100th anniversary gathering of the historic Azusa Street Mission in 2006. In 2006, Fred and Wilma reopened the Azusa Street Mission location and were commissioned by Hamon and the Christian International Board of Regents to pastor there. Through this location, they held apostolic prophetic training sessions and graduated more than 3,000 pastors and leaders as a part of carrying out the ASMHS mission, to “carry the flame of Azusa Street to the next generation throughout the nations of the world.”

The ASMHS exists to educate the public about the historical significance of the Azusa Street Revival, known as the birthplace of the modern-day Pentecostal movement, and the significance of that movement on society. Fred and Wilma, known affectionately as “God’s living Flintstones,” traveled and spoke in support of those goals. Fred last traveled to minister at an Oct. 14-17 revival in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, hosted by Pastor Caleb Cooper of New Hope Revival Church, who shared the following statement:

Somebody say: “Hallelujah!”—as many were impacted by the consistent sound of these famous words of Apostle Fred Berry. As a spiritual gatekeeper of 312 Azusa Street, he walked in an authentic, bold, apostolic mandate warranted by the last days. He never hesitated to expose and teach church history as well as bring correction to the body of Christ in love, regardless of risking relationships with the truth.

As one who lived committed to the truth, Berry always had prophetic insight into signs of the Lord’s return, giving the constant warning, “It’s later than you think!” A true God-sent general of the faith who equipped the next generation, he unashamedly preserved the Pentecostal doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire with the evidence of speaking in tongues. No matter where he ministered, he commanded that manifestation of the Holy Spirit in every atmosphere that he walked in.

Apostle Fred Berry will be greatly missed by so many, but may the vision, “to carry the flames of Azusa to the next generation throughout the nations of the world,” which Jesus Christ put inside him, continue to live on!

In January 2021, Sean Feucht of Bethel Church and Let Us Worship joined Fred and Wilma for a New Year’s celebration with the theme of “contending for God’s glory.” Fred told Charisma News that he was working to reemphasize unity, following the example of Pastor William Seymour, founding pastor of the Azusa Street Revival, who said of that revival that “the color line is washed away in the blood of Jesus.”

After Wilma’s announcement of her husband’s passing, condolences poured in via social media. Billy Wilson, president of Oral Roberts University, shared his grief via Twitter:

Apostle Adriel Florentino of Igreja Apostólica Mundial Templo dos Milagres in Juiz de Fora, Brazil, tweeted out his condolences as well (English translation: This is one of the ties that Apostle Fred Berry was in Brazil. We were there and whoever was there remembers the great anointing in the life of this man of God.)

Joab Andre, presiding pastor at VINDE Church (International Vision of Discipleship and Evangelism) in Maraba, Brazil, also expressed his grief on Twitter: (English Translation: Fred Berry, pastor of the historic revival church on Rua Azuza, left for eternity with our God and Father. It was a great honor to have him in our church in Marabá-PA on two great nights of revival.)

Please join the Charisma News staff in praying for Wilma Berry and all those impacted by Apostle Fred’s far-reaching ministry. {eoa}

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