Are We Approaching the Great Tribulation?


In a recent video, pastor and author Dr. Mark Hitchcock spoke about current events in the Middle East and how they connect to biblical prophecies concerning the end times. According to Hitchcock, the escalating conflict between Israel and Gaza and the worldwide call for peace could be a prelude to a pivotal peace treaty, which he believes will be brokered by the Antichrist, marking the start of The Great Tribulation period described in the Bible.

“The talk about peace in the Middle East right now is pervasive,” Hitchcock says. “It’s dominating global news. The yearning for peace just keeps building.” He noted that the current international pressure on Israel for a ceasefire is unlike anything seen before. Headlines from news outlets such as Foreign Affairs and The Guardian are highlighting the urgency of peace talks and the potential for wider conflict. Hitchcock argues that this urgency reflects a “striking foreshadow” of events prophesied in the Bible.

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Hitchcock cited Daniel 9:27, which describes a future covenant between Israel and “many” that will be established by a coming world leader. “The final time of seven years that will begin after the Rapture of the church will begin with a peace treaty between Israel and its neighbors,” he explained. “This treaty is going to be forged and brokered by the coming final Antichrist, and the world’s stage has never been more ready for his appearance.”

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According to Hitchcock, the current efforts by global powers, including the United States, to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza could be a precursor to this prophesied covenant. He referenced recent U.S. negotiations, noting, “The U.S. has been engaging with Egypt and Qatar to outline a final take-it-or-leave-it deal.” This type of forced agreement, Hitchcock suggested, mirrors the kind of compelled covenant mentioned in the biblical text. He explains that the Hebrew term used for “confirm” or “make” a covenant in Daniel 9:27 can imply enforcement or imposition.

Hitchcock believes the Bible’s prediction of a temporary peace, enforced by the Antichrist, aligns with the current geopolitical climate. He argued that this treaty will lead to the rebuilding of the third temple in Israel, a key event in end times biblical prophecy, and will ultimately be broken by the Antichrist midway through the seven-year period. “He will double-cross Israel, and all hell will literally break loose in the land of Israel in the end times,” Hitchcock said.

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Hitchcock emphasized that the seven-year Tribulation does not begin with the Rapture, a common misconception. “The seven-year tribulation begins with some kind of a treaty or a truce… that brings peace to Israel,” he clarifies. He suggested that this period could begin at any time, potentially soon after the Rapture.

“The world is ripe and ready for the rise of the Antichrist,” Hitchcock continues, adding that the next significant event on the prophetic timeline is the Rapture, which could happen at any moment. He encouraged listeners to be prepared, saying, “May our Lord Jesus come quickly, and may He find us ready when He comes.”

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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