Are You Led by the Spirit?


Some of you are looking for a touch for your soul, but you need to come to Jesus first. There are moments when you must do what King David said. He said, “Why is my soul downcast?” “Why is my soul downtrodden?” (See Ps. 43:5).

You need to put all your hope in the Lord. Your soul does not dictate your reality; the Spirit does. Sometimes you must tell your soul to praise the Lord. Your soul can only reflect what it sees, only reflect fleshly desires. But when you allow the Holy Spirit to take over and allow yourself to bask in His presence, to magnify His beauty, to delight yourself in Him and to fill yourself with Scripture and meditate upon His Word, your spirit will override your emotions, your mind and your will.

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Many times, we go to God with backward thinking. We try to enter His presence with our body, the soul and then the spirit. We want to touch or connect with our bodies, then our souls and lastly our spirits to be refreshed.

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