Audiences Break Into Spontaneous Prayer for Revival After Viewing Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Film


“Wow! It was a wow!”



“Powerfully compelling!”

“Absolutely terrific!”

Those were only some of the reactions Rabbi Jonathan Cahn received Thursday night and early Friday following the premier of his first motion picture The Harbingers of Things to Come. The film, based on Cahn’s New York Times bestselling books, The Harbinger and The Harbinger II: The Return,, debuted in over 800 theaters nationwide on Thursday.

The film opened as the second highest-grossing film in America this week, according to PR firm Hamilton Strategies.

Cahn, who had never seen the film in a theater but attended the premiere Thursday, said he was amazed at the audience’s reaction.

“It was more powerful than I had imagined it,” Cahn says. “I attribute that to the Lord’s anointing on those who made it. The people in the movie theater were speechless. Most of them didn’t realize I was there until the end.

“At the end, the people applauded, and then it broke out into spontaneous prayer and intercession for revival,” he says. “I heard that happened all over America. I couldn’t have been more blessed and overwhelmed by what I saw happening in the movie theater and what I heard has happened and is happening around the nation.”

Charisma Media, which has published all of Cahn’s books, produced the film. CEO Stephen Strang told Cahn: “I was very moved by the final edit, congratulations. The audience applauded. One lady yelled out, ‘Everybody get saved.'”

Initial reports say that spontaneous prayer and prayers for revival broke out in theaters across the country.

Annette and Sam wrote the following email to Cahn after watching the film:

PTL! So many perfect dates, times and events that undeniably could only have been orchestrated by a ‘mystery’ hand arranging everything to bring many to a saving knowledge of Him for such a time as this. It was excellent and powerful to ‘see’ what was in the book visually. The scenery was wonderful and the music perfectly fit together. Many people are better at visual learning, and now we pray that many will ‘SEE’ the Lord for who He is—a loving God who also is just to bring judgment.

The ending and what you shared was like an alarm sounding before it’s too late. For me, I realize how close we truly are to the fulfillment of future prophecies regarding America and how late the hour is. Also, it was a reminder that we are all watchmen who have heard the warning and we’re headed for worse than we’re seeing now. Sin is getting worse and worse, as the Bible says. Imagine when you made the movie we were guilty of 60+ million abortions, but now we’re in the midst of protests and angry uprisings to defend past, present and future killing of babies. We’re falling further away from the God of our foundation all the time.

Cahn says America is beginning to run out of time to repent and turn back to God.

“We are witnessing America rapidly accelerating away from God,” he says. “The messages of the Harbingers are prophetic revelations and warnings for God’s people to know what’s happening, where we are going and where we are.”

David DeRenzo said in an email to Cahn’s wife, Renata: “I just saw The Harbinger movie. Well done, excellent! Jonathan was phenomenal. Tell him that it’s a great movie.”

Debbie Marrie of Charisma Media said, “It was so awesome! People were oohing and aahing all over the auditorium. It was great to see people reacting the way we envisioned it in our heads while we were working on it. And hearing that shofar sound at the end did not disappoint me. I loved it!”

Another email reaction, from Peter: “I knew it! I always tell people you prophesied the 9/11 event before it happened, but with no actual proof … until today. That picture of that video of the plane and you blowing the shofar two years before it happened—it was mind blowing.”

Immediately following the film, Charisma Media gave an onscreen sneak peak of Cahn’s latest book, The Return of the Gods, set to release on Sept. 6, 2022. In this book, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.

The Return of the Gods is not only one of the most explosive books you’ll ever read, but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and truths behind what is happening before your eyes in America and the nations. You will see things, even in your world, in a whole new light.

With such chapters as “The House of Spirits,” “The Avatar,” “The Masters,” “The Deep Magic” and “The Day of the Goddess,” The Return of the Gods will take readers on a fascinating, unforgettable and mind-blowing journey that will leave them stunned and with the ability to see the world as they never have before.

Thursday night’s premier was the first of a two-night showing of The Harbingers of Things to Come. . For those who did not have the opportunity to see The Harbingers of Things to Come Thursday night, a second showing of the film will take place next Thursday, May 19, in the same 800 locations. You can purchase your tickets at {eoa}

Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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