Avoiding Profanity


We seem to be living in a world where rude, crude and even lewd language is used as the vernacular—by men and women. Even presidential and vice presidential candidates swear in public. 

If you’ve visited public playgrounds, you may have heard children shouting profanities, swear words or curses at each other. Where did they learn such offensive words? Likely at home. Or did they perhaps hear these expletives from some of our elected officials?

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Presidential Swearing and Cursing

Former President Donald Trump recently told a rally of supporters in Philadelphia that he received a letter from evangelist Franklin Graham (son of Billy and Ruth Graham), urging him to improve his public speeches by refraining from using swear words. Trump said he was trying to control his language, but his lengthy campaign speeches sometimes need a bad word or two to help him better relate to his audience.

The Washington Post reports that current White House aides have a “dictionary” of swear words President Biden or Vice President Harris use, either with them present or directed at them.

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Profanity Is a Persistent Problem

While today, some seem to think of curse words as accepted, the Bible often addresses both cursing and lying as forms of despicable speech. Ephesians 4 explains: 

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