“Be Open to Listening to Him Knocking on That Door”: Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist Spreads the Gospel Truth


Starring Kevin Sorbo, Neal McDonough, Corbin Bernsen and Greg Perrow, the latest “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist” movie is spreading the gospel truth in its eye-opening depiction of what life could be like for those who remain after the rapture.

For actor Greg Perrow, who plays investigative journalist Buck Williams, this movie is the perfect opportunity for both believers and nonbelievers alike to welcome a meaningful relationship with Christ into their lives.

“I would say to believers and nonbelievers alike, just, you know, be open to it; be open to listening to Him knocking on that door and just offering that joy in your life,” Perrow says in our exclusive interview.

“Left Behind” picks up where the 2014 Nicholas Cage film ended, illustrating what life six months after the rapture could look like. For the character Buck Williams, this means spending every second of the film in the pursuit of truth: what really happened to make so many people disappear? And, did they really vanish at all?

Like his character, Perrow wants audiences to be challenged to seek the truth and find it.

“I think if people really open their hearts and minds up to it, that they can experience a really close, personal relationship with God. And I hope this movie maybe introduces that to some people; I think that would be incredible,” Perrow says.

While Hollywood films that demonstrate biblical truths are few and far between, “Left Behind” offers something different—a reality check that many people will refuse the existence of God no matter what evidence is displayed around them. Others like Perrow’s character need to seek out the truth for themselves to believe.

“It’s really crazy to see all the different media outlets and their takes on things and people who have doubts. I mean, that’s mind-blowing to think half of the world disappears, and yet people are still doubting things. So, it’s a really fun journey for Buck,” he says.

Perrow hopes that as moviegoers join him on Buck Williams’ journey of doubt and discovery that they too will have the opportunity to understand Christ’s magnificent love in a whole new way.

“You almost get to rediscover the reality of God and like the shock and awe, amazing, beautiful nature of God,” he says.

Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist hit theaters on January 26 and will be in select theaters through February 1. For more information on tickets, go to leftbehindmovie.com.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator and Staff Writer intern for Charisma Media.


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